Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company Quarter 95 Studio
Directors Andrіy Sіlkіn
Screenwriter Oleksandr SchurYevhen Burhela
Director of photography (DOP) V'yacheslav Lazariev
Production Designer Marіya Kobilecyka
Composers andrii ponomarov
Sound Directors Artem Mostovyj
Film editor Pavel Zalesov
Сostume designer Vіktorіya Hasіna
Makeup artists Alyona Tulapіna
Casting director Ghanna Bohdevich
Producer Boris ShefіrAndrіy Yakovliev (II)Serhіy ShefіrVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Oleksandr Boghkov
Leading actors Lyubava HreshnovaKirilo GhandarovOleksandr BezverhiySlava KrasovskaStanіslav BoklanOleksіy Nahrudniy
Supporting Actors Alla SokolovaNіna NabokaSerhіy UlashevYevhen YefremovMarіya KochurYevheniia MiakenkaOleksandr YaremaOleksandr SchurYevhen BurhelaVіtalіna BіblіvSerhіy RadchenkoMihaylo KukuyukMaksim PanykіvAndrіy KolesnikOlyha RadchukHeorhіy LeschenkoMikita BrusnіcinMihaylo PlavakAlla MaslennіkovaІhor PortyankoFrosya MelynikAndrіy HolovanyTetyana ZіnovenkoUlyana AleksieienkoMariia Aglotkova
Successful HR manager Marina is disappointed in men and is fully focused on adopting a boy, Denis. She collects the necessary documents and certificates, but due to a long-standing conflict with classmate Svetlana, who now works in the social service, she is denied adoption by Denis on the pretext that Marina is not married.
The woman recalls that she recently had an interview with the charismatic and kind Sergius, who lost his job because of his frivolous attitude to life. At the time, she denied her husband a job, but now offers him money to marry so she can adopt Dennis. However, it turns out that they will be under the control of the social service throughout the year, and social worker Svetlana is looking for any excuse to bring her newly married couple to clean water.
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