Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 4, ~50 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 9.42%
Fraction 23.3%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Oleksandr Mohov
Screenwriter Oleksandr Righov
Director of photography (DOP) Andrіy Shkіr
Production Designer Vіtalіy Shamatіienko
Sound Directors Oleksandr RedykoVladislav Halinsykiy
Film editor Oleksandr Humenyuk
Сostume designer Hanna Krupnіcyka
Makeup artists Oksana Dubina
Operator Anton PechatnovVladislav Dubina
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Executive Producers Pavlo Karvan
Line Producers Artem Sulіha
Leading actors Yulіya KokryatsykaІnha OboldіnaKirilo KuzniecovMarina MitrofanovaMihaylo Havrilov
Supporting Actors Valentin TomusyakValentina VoytenkoGaluna SviataDamіr SuhovOleksandr HalafutnіkDmitro OskіnIhor SalimonovHanna RozstalynaDіna AntonenkoSvetlana bevzV'yacheslav YevtushenkoNatalka KobіzykaNatalіya KudryavcevaRimma TishkevichСергей ГутькоAndrіy KorghenivsykiyKateryna TrubenokSerhіy UlashevVolodimir BurkovsykiyBohdan BasenkoRumіly HabіbulinOleh DіdikOlyha OnopriyukLyubov TimoshevsykaYulіya Hrihor'ievaAndriy PanasVasily ChornoshkurStepan DіdkіvsykiyOleksandr ShevchukDmitro Іvashina
Faith lost her father and lost her job. She lives with her mother-pensioner, gets a job in a taxi and meets Maxim, who in every way gets her attention.
One day in the car of the Faith is a newborn baby. The police cannot find whose she is. Faith begins to search for parents on its own, and each engagement brings even more questions.
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