Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2016, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Bata Nedich
Screenwriter Olena ArbuzovaYevhen ArbuzovHanna Arbuzova
Director of photography (DOP) Valentin Melynichenko
Production Designer Dmitro Ghmurko
Composers Ruslan KvіntaDenis Artemenko
Film editor Denis Honcharov
Producer Vіktorіya Liezіna-MaslyanaOlena VasilyievaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)
Executive Producers Roman NehrіienkoKhrystyna Shkabar
Creative Producers Olena Yeremieieva
Leading actors Lyudmila ZahorsykaAndrіy SamіnіnAndrіy MostrenkoVіtalіy ІvanchenkoOleksіy Cherevatenko
Supporting Actors Alla MartinyukHanna LevchenkoYelizaveta ZaycevaFedіr HurinecyDaryna TrehubovaOleh PrimohenovArtem MartynishynDmitro SovaPavlo AldoshinGlib MatsiboraAndrіy KorghenivsykiySerhіy KorshikovSerhіy KucherenkoAlіsa Hur'ievaHalina KornieievaOleksandr FormanchukSvіtlana ShtanykoAnna TambovaІhor Petrusenko
Post-production Producers Yuliia YeremaOlha Mykhalchenko
Researcher of one of the research institutes Pavel Sokolov, who recently lost his job, has the opportunity to earn good money - on the instructions of a friend-businessman, he goes to the rural hinterland, where he must persuade Maria Loshkarova to sell her dairy farm for a business project of city businessmen.
Paul, without even noticing, falls in love with Mary. Now he has to make the difficult choice: not to execute a friend's assignment or go against conscience.
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