A fun company

Russia, Ukraine - 2003

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Серій 12
Хронометраж 48 хвилин

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Comedy

Production company TO «Mamadu»REN TV

Directors Volodymyr Tykhyy

Screenwriter Oleh ZimaHeorhіy KonnOleksandra SmіlyansykaArmen Vatyyan

Director of photography (DOP) Vіktor LisakDenis Chernishov (II)

Production Designer Anatoliy Pidoprigora

Composers Pavlo KrahmalyovІhor Melynichuk

Producer Valentin OpalievDmitro Liesnevsykiy

Executive Producers Oleksіy Chernishov

Leading actors Oleh MosalyovYevhen SirotіnArtem MazunovKaterina LikovaEmmanuil VіtorhanOleksandr LikovHanna Aleksandrovich (Samіnіna)Volodimir HoryansykiyOleksіy Ahop'yanSemen Furman

Supporting Actors Іhor SlobodskyiOleksіy VertinsykiyLyudmila TrutnenkoAlybert KasparyancІhor HniezdіlovOleksandr NepomnyaschiyOleksandra Senyko Petro KuznetsovTetyana SteblovsykaVіktorіya HursykaOksana CepenyukValentin OpalievAnatolіy ZіnovenkoOleksandr YaremaAnatoliy DyachenkoMikola HudzyDenis RodnyansykiyHanna LevchenkoMihaylo ІhnatovViacheslav VasyliukRimma Ziubіna Oleh PrimohenovAnzhelika HyrychVita SmachelyukVolodimir YamnenkoYevhen PashinVolodimir ChemutovOleksandr DemyakovDmitro TupchіyOlena HighnaLyudmila TravnіkovaPavlo PiskunOleksandr KuschDmitro NіkolaievichDghulyietta KalychenkoNatalіya CheremshinsykaSerhіy TihomirovStanіslav NellieVladislav NellieAndrіy StasenkoStanіslav ShapranKirilo ChernyavsykiyVadim KіblicykiyOleg KovalenkoAnzor MusaievІnnokentіy NіkolaievMarina AnіsovichІrina SarnavsykaAlіna HoholievaYaroslav MrachkoZolіna DzigasovaOleksandra KukavaVlad VereschakVіktorіya LohachevaOlena NakonechnaІhor TimoshenkoGaluna SviataNatalіya KalantayOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaVadim SamborOleh ZimaMikola KosyachenkoLarisa PonomaryovaSerhіy SipliviyLyudmila KarpuhіnaAnton KudrіnOleksіy KrasykoOleh NavolynievІhor ZadorsykiyNatalіya YelesieievaYurіy MuravsykiyVolodimir ChihlyaievSvіtlana PrusAnatolіy HalicykiyІhor ShkurіnVolodimir ChekalіnLeonіd MikitenkoOleksandr ReznіchenkoYurіy MolchanovsykiyDmitro VіnchenkoOlyha TimofieievaAndrіy HrabovsykiySerhіy RodyushkіnІnha ChepurnovaOlena RudnovaYurіy YakushaІolanta PilipenkoOleksіy PolіschukOleksandr KrasykoKostyantin KosinsykiySvіtlana SirotіnaYevhenіya KurlyandSerhіy KostilyovOleksandr MasenkoYulіya BudyukYulіana NetrebaІvan RudnicykiyOleh BaydulіnDmitro TrofimenkoOleksіy OvchinnіkovOksana HorbatLyudmila Shpitalieva

Creation year 2003

Country RussiaUkraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 28 June 2004

The fun company is students Stas, Pasha and Venia. Stas is a lover and a chatty hero, his fascinating stories and jokes captivated more than one girl's heart. Pasha is trying to depend on no one, he started working at the school, and now works as a "balloon owner". Venia is a computer genius, technology replacing him with all the joys of life. But all of them are united by ingenuity, agility and desire for different adventures.

The guys are brilliantly finding a way out of any, even the most critical, situation. Yet sometimes they lack the flexible girlish mind. Therefore, Margo appears in their friendly team. She came to the capital to visit her father, who divorced her mother several years ago, and works as the director of The Last Writer.

The girl wants to join one of the Moscow universities and move to the capital for study and adventure. After all, she had such wonderful friends.

Movie shots

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