Format Film
Category Short documentary
Genre Documentary and gameBiographical
Production company INSIGHTMEDIA GROUPOdesa Film Studio
Directors Artem Antonchenko
Screenwriter Kostiantyn Konovalov
Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Mіschenko
Production Designer Igor Filippov
Composers Іhor Stecyuk
Sound Directors Volodimir KolesnikArtur RenіOleksandr Bіhun
Film editor Vіktor Malyarenko
Сostume designer Yevgeniya Yemelianenko
Makeup artists Anghela Churya
Producer Volodimir FіlіppovAlla OvsiannikovaAndrіy Suyarko
Executive Producers Yevhenіy Kovaly
Creative Producers Kostiantyn Konovalov
Line Producers Maksim Fіrsenko
Leading actors Serhіy BabkіnSnіghana Babkіna
Supporting Actors Valerіy AvdieievOleksandr BіlenkoDmytro LatyshkovSerhіy ChernovOleksandr RisakovLeonіd AleksieienkoVladislav VolkPavlo Bachinsykiy
Casting Managers Tetyana Ovsyannіkova
During his life in Odessa, Alexander Dovzhenko made his first films. Modern well-known moviegoers comment on this period of Dovzhenko's work. The reconstructions of the moments of creative search for the great master immers the viewer into the atmosphere of filmmaking in the 1920s. It uses footage from films of the 20's.
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