touch and see

31 minutes - Ukraine - 2013

Status Completed

No trailer

Format Film

Category Short

Genre Drama

Production company NORD Production

Directors Taras Dron

Screenwriter Oleksandr Fіryulіn

Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Pozdnyakov

Sound Directors Yurіy PіdcerkovniyІllya Orlov

Film editor Іhor Yastremsykiy

Сostume designer Lyubov Yuldasheva

Leading actors Yulіanіya OrshakYevhen LacіkOleksandra Lyuta

Supporting Actors Stepan HlovaAnna MatіychenkoBoris TriusOlena Krilova

Creation year 2013

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Premiere in Ukraine 24 june 2013

Budget ₴ 25 000

The sad story of a little girl, a beautiful little angel, a beloved daughter of parents trying to find money to treat a blind child from birth. And when there seems to be no hope that dryness, indifference and selfishness reign in this world, help comes from the least expected side. This movie is extra proof that good and good people in this world have not yet been translated, watching it, no one will remain indifferent, and perhaps not a single tear will come from their eyes ...

Movie shots
Відчуй, тоді почуєш свою власну, Незрозумілу для усіх картину. І спозаранку будеш малювати Свою секретну та щоденну днину. Музичний струмінь усього життя, Як поклик серця, – мріє розгорнутись. Усмішка мами, сонця почуття – Все, все побачиш! Слід лиш доторкнутись…

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