
Ukraine - 2017

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2017, series 8, ~50 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Melodrama

Production company Star Media

Directors Oleh Maslennіkov

Screenwriter Olena StrohalyovaOlena Cventuh

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Ryabecy

Production Designer Yulіna Sinolicya

Composers Volodymyr KripakRuslan DorohanichMaksim Velichko

Sound Directors Oleksandr Celymer

Film editor Oleh Dedohryuk

Сostume designer Yulia Hlemeida

Makeup artists Serhіy Dubina

Casting director Anna Dehusar

Producer Artem DolleghalyVladyslav Riashyn

Executive Producers Oleksandr Bezverhiy

Leading actors Katerina StulovaMaksim RaduhіnRoman PolyansykiyDasha LeheidaYulіya HershanіkOleh MaslennіkovIrina NovakDmytro SaranskovMikita Parhomenko

Supporting Actors Oleh SavkіnSvіtlana ZelybetMarta BoychenkoTaras NehodenkoTimofіy HerasimchukOleh ZamyatіnSerhіy SolodovAlla MaslennіkovaAnastasіya ChepelyukAlla BіnieievaOleksandr MelynikSerhіy PonomarenkoІhor PetrusenkoKostyantin DanilyukSerhіy SipliviyLyudmila ZahorsykaDmitro OskіnTaras HotovcevDmytro SovaMarina LitvinenkoSergey DengaRoman ChorniyTaras CimbalyukYurіy KulіnіchFatіma HorbenkoLee BerlinskaPetro KrylovAnastasіya RulaVіktorіya VarleyІrina AvdieienkoІllya KetіladzeMaksim DanyshinPolіna VasilinaKristіna KorshikovaІrina SultanovaTetyana PavlyuhOlyha KunikV'yacheslav DudkoNatalіya BabenkoRoman ViskrebencevAlla SokolovaBohdan RubanOleksandr ShevchukMihaylo AuhustVladislav KukaloYelizaveta LyubіmovaOksana StepchukAlex SugakTimur AslanovKaterina HulyakovaDmytro ObiednikovIhor SalimonovMikita BalievHeorhіy LeschenkoMikita BrusnіcinMihaylo Maylіs

Creation year 2017

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 17 april 2017

Tatiana Larionova is the owner of a prosperous family-run hotel, a happy wife and a loving mom. All is well, but exactly until the owner of the large hotel chain Roman Deryabin arrives in the city. He is interested in acquiring the land on which the Tatiana Hotel is located. Tatiana, of course, refuses to sell him a hotel, after which she and her family begin big trouble.

Movie shots

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