Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Oleksandr Іtihіlov
Screenwriter Olena Ghukova
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Sahno
Production Designer Maryna Pshenychnykova
Composers Roman Dudchik
Sound Directors Vyacheslav ScherbakMihaylo Petrenko (II)Yurіi Nіkіtіn
Film editor Oleksandr Іtihіlov
Сostume designer Іnha Hruslova
Makeup artists Oksana PіdoprihoraOlena Apanasevich
Second Director Anna YerofeievaKsenіya Schedrіna
Operator Mihaylo KretovMihaylo Malkov
Casting director Vіktorіya Righko
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Hlafіra TarhanovaAnatolіy RudenkoMihaylo HіmіchevValentina ІschenkoMihaylo Pshenichniy
Supporting Actors Artem AleksieievValerіya HulyaievaOlyha MateshkoYana SobolevsykaStanіslav BoklanDmitro SurghikovFedіr HurinecyDenis TolyarenkoAndrіy KronhlevsykiyNіna AntonovaYurіy HorbunovOleksіy SmolkaVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyOlyha RadchukVadym KononovVіktorіya Karpinska (Tokmanenko)Olena Bondarieva-RiepіnaSvіtlana PrusOlyha Koloskova (Tarasenko)Lyudmila ZahorsykaHanna LevchenkoOleksandr BezsmertniyYulіya HershanіkArsen ShavlyukІhor HniezdіlovAnastasіya ChepelyukKristina SyntlnykTetyana ShelіhaІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Serhіy Bondarchuk (II)Natalka DenisenkoArtem KayunAnastasіya Bunіna
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 07 september 2013
Premiere in Ukraine 11 january 2015
After returning from the army, Ivan Zakharov spends the night with his lover Taney, the daughter of a district police officer. In the morning, Father Tani sees the two of them and demands that Ivan marry the girl. Ivan is forced to agree, although in another city he is expecting a pregnant bride Olya. On the wedding day of Ivan and Tanya Olha arrives in the village, she sees that her lover has deceived her. She begins premature birth.
It's been 20 years. Olga marries Fyodor, a noble man who marries her and adopts her child. They have two children: the eldest Ivan (son of Olga) and the younger Rita (joint daughter). Ivan has a one-namesake, a charming village guy at karate classes, whom he once brings home to introduce to his family. It turns out that this is the son of Tanya and Ivan Zakharov, who died shortly after the wedding.
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