Format TV movie
Genre Melodrama
Production company Pіramіda Odesa Film Studio
Directors Serhii Krutin
Screenwriter Serhii KrutinOlyha ShulyhіnaOleksandra Komishova
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Іvanov (II)
Production Designer Vіktor Fomіn (II)
Composers Yehor Olesov
Sound Directors Maksim Chub
Film editor Yurii Prylypko
Сostume designer Tetyana Pіddubna
Makeup artists Marina Krasnyak
Casting director Natalіya Borovih
Producer Serhіy Sendik
Creative Producers Oleksandr Bokovikov
Line Producers Olena Dementyieva
In the summer, granddaughter-student Irina comes to the grandmother of Lydia Petrovna, who lives by the sea. Difficult relationships between them: they are rarely seen since Irina's father (the son of Lydia Petrovna) died long ago, and the relationship between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law did not start from the beginning. At first glance, the grandmother and granddaughter are very different. Irina is ridiculed by the old-fashioned delicacy of Lydia Petrovna, and she, in turn, is disturbed by her granddaughter's straightforwardness and categoricalness. But gradually between them there is a spiritual closeness, mutual understanding, and the granddaughter begins to change under the influence of the grandmother. Lydia Petrovna awakens in Irina femininity, wisdom, sensitivity to other people's feelings and aspirations. Moreover, it seamlessly helps her to consider in the neighborhood boy the man with whom he can live a lifetime.
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