Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Detective
Production company Star Media
Directors Іvan Voytyuk
Screenwriter Oleh Prihodyko
Director of photography (DOP) Vitalii Zaporozhchenko
Production Designer Vіktor Buchkovsykiy
Composers Roman Behey
Sound Directors Lyubov Celymer
Film editor Serhіy Levіn
Сostume designer Іrina Herhely
Producer Іvan VoytyukVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Vіktorіya VoytyukArtem Dolleghaly
Creative Producers Larisa Ghuravsyka
Leading actors Іllya ShakunovDmitro BozіnOlena BorohMikola KarcevVіktor AndrіienkoOleh MaslennіkovNatalіya VasykoNatalіya HabrikVolodimir YamnenkoOleksіy Traskovsykiy
Supporting Actors Yurіy YakushaІllya RibalkoLyubov VeselovaMikola KuncevichYurіy ZabaraHanna LevchenkoKaterina GhulayOleksandr SavchenkoNickolay GolovchakYurіy MatvіienkoAndrii DzhedzhulaSerhіy KovalychukPavlo NevіdomiyІrina ZurahovaYulіya BіlecykaMaksim Borodіn
A streak of failures began in the life of the talented young actor. At first he loses his job in the theater. Then his wife leaves him and takes his 8-year-old daughter with him. Bim - as everyone calls him - is trying to make money like a square mime - copying people passing by. And suddenly one day a mysterious man appears and offers Beam for a million dollars to gradually get used to the image of one missing person - enough to guess where to find this man.
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