Format TV series
Серій 20
Хронометраж 45 хвилин
TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company Pro-TV ProdakshnVіktorіya-Unіversal Prodakshn
Directors Bata NedichІhor ZabaraKristіna Zabara
Screenwriter Vіktor Prihodyko
Director of photography (DOP) Vitalii Zaporozhchenko
Production Designer Alexandr Teterin
Composers Pavlo KrahmalyovІhor Melynichuk
Sound Directors Volodimir Lisіcin
Film editor Stanіslav VidiborecyMihaylo HukOleksandr Mіnka
Сostume designer Olena Kozhuhivska
Makeup artists Tetyana Samko
Casting director Vіktorіya Tkachenko
Producer Vіktor Prihodyko
Leading actors Maksim RaduhіnYevhenіya LozaNatalіya LesnіkovsykaLyubov TihomirovaOlena StefansykaNatalіya VasykoHanna Іvanova
Supporting Actors Lev SomovOleksandr PopovOlesya OstrovsykaVasily SlyusarevsykiySerhіy KalantayInna BelikovaІhor RubashkіnMihaylo GhonіnBoris HeorhіievsykiyVіktor DanilyukHanna LevchenkoAnatolіy BorisenkoDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyAndrii DebrinKostyantin KosinsykiyYulіya MotrukEdhar VіnnicykiySofіya MyachinaMarina AnіsovichTimur AslanovH. BoykoL. BondarenkoRoman VdovikaH. VdovikaSergey VolyanovskyA. HerіnovaSerhіy DarіyYana DereschukAurіka DzihoraVadim DіazOleksіy DmitrіievMarіya DovhanyDmitro GheleznyakSerhіy GhuravlyovLyudmila ZahorsykaOleh ІvanicyaNіna ІvashkіnaTetyana ІhnashkіnaLiudmyla KandraievaD. KandraievaDenis KapustіnHristina KiselyovaMaryna KlodnitskaNadіya KozlenkoKostyantin KorecykiyKristіna KorshikovaOlena KrughilіnaNatalіya KudryavcevaYurii KukharenkoPavlo LevytskyiYulіya MezencevaYurіy MerhelyAnton PalenkovA. PetrovІhor PіsniyHalіya PloskaKaterina RubashkіnaKirilo SaghinLіdіya SemesyukSerhіy SolopayMikola StasyukDenis TatarkіnD. Yakovliev-Suhanov Yehor Pcholkіn
The events of the series take place in a small village far from civilization. The village blacksmith Roman notices an unconscious girl in the river and, pulling her out of the water, brings her to his house. Roman, seeing that the girl does not come to his senses, runs for help to the local witch doctor Rai, who already knows that Roman and the girl brought great trouble to the village. Paradise with the help of an amulet and decoction brings the girl to consciousness and orders Roman not to show her to his fellow villagers. But the local guy Boris, being in the yard of the blacksmith, saw the girl and from that moment just dreams of a blond beauty. And Roman begins to ask the rescued who she is and where the river brought her. But no question is answered: it turns out the girl has completely lost her memory and does not remember anything.
There are rumors in the village that a blacksmith caught a witch in the river, because it has long been believed that a witch can not drown. Only Baba Raya knows that she is the white fortune teller Mare Martyr. A few days pass and the memory gradually returns to the girl: she remembers her name is Nadezhda. Meanwhile, armed men appear looking for a girl who looks like Nadia ...
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