Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 10, ~47 minutes, TV channel СТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company FіlymstrіmVileton Films
Directors Pavlo Malykov
Screenwriter Roman KovalyovYulіya Svietlova
Director of photography (DOP) Vitalii Zaporozhchenko
Production Designer Vadim ShinkaryovKirilo Havrilov
Composers Maksim Koshevarov
Sound Directors Oleksandr SheykoKirilo SharapovOleksandra Bohatyrova (II)
Film editor Anton Kononyuk
Сostume designer Ruslan Hvastov
Makeup artists Valentina Voytyuk
Second Director Anna Savchuk
Operator Kirilo MoshkovichDenis AleksanyanPavlo Kiselyov
Casting director Oleksandra HershevichYevheniya Ryzhko
Producer Roman KovalyovVіtalіy SіrenkoKaterina Shevelyuk
Executive Producers Vіtalіy Franchuk
Leading actors Olyha HrishinaPetro RikovSerhіy ShatalovAnatolіy KotenievAnna LehchilovaSerhіy SolodovOleksandr KobzarDaryna Trehubova
Supporting Actors Natalka DenisenkoAndrіy FedіnchikMarіya TrepіkovaYevheniia MiakenkaKaterina MarchenkoTamara MorozovaTetyana MalkovaViktoriya YurchuckKristіna VighuSvetlana BevzІnna RoschinaDmitro HarbuzOleksandr Mironov (II)Yurii KukharenkoVadym GoldanovAndrii DatsenkoOlexandr SimochevPavlo YakovenkoOlga BerlinskayaMykhailo HorholovEduard DzhafarovBohdan YusipchukAnna Trіncher
Creation year 2020
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 23 august 2021
Premiere in Ukraine 24 february 2020
They collided with each other as two opposite currents. Mila Egorova is getting a position as a press secretary at a fashion yacht club. Despite the panic fear of water, Mila agrees to work: to save the reputation of the yacht club and its owner – the mysterious widower Ruslan Kalinin.
The inexplicable attraction between Ruslan and Mila becomes dangerous. Happiness in the present hinders the past. The memory of his dead wife does not stop Ruslan, and his ex-fiancee Mila intends to prove that Ruslan is the killer.
With each step the swirl of passions and intrigue draws Mila and Ruslan deeper. Will they be able to get out of it alive.
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