Format TV series
Number of seasons 3
Season 1, рік 2018, series 16, ~27 minutes, TV channel Новий канал
Season 2, рік 2019, series 32, ~25 minutes, TV channel Новий канал
Season 3, рік 2022, series 12, ~24-27 minutes, TV channel Новий канал
Rating 0%
Fraction 11.66%
Genre Comedy
Production company IQ Production
Directors Serhіy Atroschenko
Screenwriter Pavlo YevchukSerhіy AtroschenkoMikita Hluschenko
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy SahnoYevhen Sahno
Production Designer Oleksandr Ghulinsykiy
Sound Directors Oleh TarasenkoAndrіy Chupir
Film editor Katerina DemsykaSerhіy Tuzyuk
Сostume designer Yulіya HavrilovaOlena Sofіienko
Makeup artists Krіstіna KomarnicykaKaterina Mendruly
Casting director Vіktorіya MelynichukLіlіya KitayhoraAlina Marchuk
Producer Vіktor MedvedsykiySerhіy AtroschenkoOksana IvanyukSerhіy Yevdokimov (II)Oleksiy GladushevskyySerhіy Nіkіtyuk (II)
Executive Producers Mikola SvіtlicykiyYurіy Kіrpіk
Creative Producers Pavlo Yevchuk
Leading actors Halina BezrukKostyantin VoytenkoNazar ZadnіprovsykiyVіtalіna Bіblіv
Supporting Actors Anna KoshmalValerіy ShvecyOlena MatyushenkoTetyana LavsykaAnatolіy SomikDima SavyanVyacheslav ShehovcovVolodimir MovchanOlesia GaiovaVladlen PortnіkovVolodimir KuznecovNatalіya VasykoArtem YemcovMykola BoklanVladislav OnіschenkoІhor MelynikovDmitro HarbuzBorislav BorisenkoІrina BondarenkoAndrіy PonomarenkoPetro KrylovYulіya MotrukVіtalіy ІvanchenkoMarharita BahtіnaSvіtlana KosolapovaAnastasіya OstreinovaDmytro SoloviovOleksandr YaremaІrina BіbіkYana LyahovichІrina BoltarecyAndrіy MerzlіkіnVitaliy MihalycovAndrey MordovetsRoman LyahAndrіy KronhlevsykiyVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyMihaylo KukuyukAndrіy BuhovKostyantin DanilyukVolodimir HoncharovYehor PcholkіnYaroslav FedorchukHanna LevchenkoLyubov TimoshevsykaVolodymyr LiashevskyiDmitro VіvcharyukSerhіy SolopaySvitlana ShalygaDanilo OskіnOleksandr Mironov (II)Olena KnyzhenkoVadim ZalesykiyRymma TyshkevychValerіy AstahovMarіya TrepіkovaSerhіy PetykoArtem ShevcovYulіya KolodyukBoris KnighenkoFedіr RikovArtem BochekRoman LukianovTetyana YurіkovaVіktoriya SivanichSerhіy FedorchukOlena PisotskaOlena Yeremenko (II)
Dreamer-businessman Max together with his wife, the capital Fifa Masha, moved from Kiev to the village Senkivka. Max bought an ostrich farm and is developing it. And Masha is just waiting for a reason to return to the capital. The young couple are helped by neighbors - Basil and his wife Lyuba. But good deeds paved the way for force majeure. After all, the same situation is perceived by peasants and townspeople in different ways. This provokes a lot of misunderstandings, comic situations and tightens the plot ...
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