Format Film
Category Short
Genre Parable
Production company Kompanіya «VAVІLON»Asocіacіya «Spriyannya rozvitku kіnematohrafa v Ukrainі ‒ divisy ukrainsyke!»
Directors Mihaylo Іllienko
Screenwriter Mihaylo Іllienko
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan Verghbicykiy
Production Designer Roman Adamovych
Composers Roman Vyshnevskyi
Sound Directors Artem Mostovyj
Сostume designer Marіya Kero
Makeup artists Olena Bohomolynikova
Second Director Andrii Krutii
Casting director Tetyana ShepelievaAlla Medvіdy
Producer Andriy Rizol
Line Producers Yulia Melnyk
Leading actors Vladislav YeskaraievIryna PolikovskaAndrіy SichovDanilo RapoportNatalіya ShelkovnіkovaMihaylo ІllienkoMaksim Novіkov
Not only is the war going on with the aggressor. The struggle of worldviews is happening constantly and everywhere, and the enemy is not only external.
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