Ivan's Land

84 minutes - Ukraine - 2020

Status Completed

Format Film

Category Full-length documentary

Genre Documentary

Production company MaGiKa Film

Directors Andrii Lysetskyi

Screenwriter Andrii Lysetskyi

Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Lysetskyi

Composers Mykyta Moiseiev

Sound Directors Borys PeterMarіya Nesterenko

Film editor Serhіy Lisenko (II)

Operator Oleksandr Pronіn (II)

Producer Gennady KofmanOlha Beskhmelnytsina

Creation year 2020

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

World Premiere 28 february 2021

Premiere in Ukraine 28 february 2021

Hire the world with 31 october 2021

Ivan lives a simple life in an Ukrainian village. Nothing in his world indicates that this story takes place in the 21st century. His main occupation seems to be feeding his animals and working his fields ... until we realize that he is one of the great artists of a dying art form.

One day, an art collector shows up on Ivan’s doorstep who has heard stories about an unique painter in an area where you would never expect it. The art collector looks around, inspecting carefully Ivan’s paintings and later leaves with one of Ivan’s sculptures. Ivan doesn’t know it yet, but his life is about to change...

Soon after, rumors spread through Kiev about an artist who appears like a man from a time centuries ago. More and more journalists and art enthusiasts track Ivan down until they all stand in the middle of Ivan’s house, equally surprised and amazed by his work... and before Ivan understands what is actually happening to him, he and his works are invited to be showcased in Kiev. The journey they all embark on is bigger than a man traveling from a village into the big city. Ivan has never been in a gallery and he has never put his pieces of art on a wall. He is curious to experience this new universe but he seems also irritated by
the excitement of people he never met before and who don’t even realize that the man strolling through the halls is actually the man responsible for all their enthusiasm. Ivan has made it from a painting farmer to a celebrated artist and receives the option to change his life. For many people it would be an easy choice
to make, a dream come true. But thinking of home, Ivan didn’t miss anything when being alone with his animals, paintings and sculptures. Although he observes with big eyes the urban life of the capital, he also feels that he is a stranger in this world. Whatever life the metropolis might offer, its not for Ivan.

Eventually, Ivan gets back on his bike, happily smiling as he is making his way back home and back to a life that doesn’t need the comfort and amenities of the modern world, but instead holds the key to the happiness that is the source of and inspiration to Ivan’s art.

Movie shots

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