Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Odesa Film StudioTVO «Delyta»Dalyvent F
Directors Oleksandr Іsaiev
Screenwriter Oleksandr Іsaiev
Director of photography (DOP) Vadim Avloshenko
Production Designer Volodimir Shinkevich
Composers Yevhenіy Doha
Sound Directors Anatolіy Pіdlіsniy
Film editor Tamara Prokopenko
Сostume designer Lіdіya Kashirsyka
Makeup artists Lyudmila Kartavіna
Leading actors Olena ShevchenkoІrina BezrukovaKaterina KmіtPavlo SokolovІvan ShabaltasOleksandr SlastіnOleksandr HlovyakTetyana ІpatovaLyubov RudnievaNatalіya BatrakAndrіy FіlykovAlyona ІvchenkoVolodimir LohіnovYevhen MiznіkovS. MalіnaVolodimir KiryuhancevVolodymyr VolkovValerіy BasselyIrina TokarchukVіktor HulychenkoSerhіy Zіnchenko
Supporting Actors S. VіtvіnovYe. HrubiyVіktor RaduVіktor LaskevichA. AbovA. KarpovYe. KerghmanA. PotapovNatalіya VyatkіnaV. RazumovsykaOleh BotovkіnYu. PurhaТетяна Павлова (II)Yurіy LoparievFaust MіndlіnN. YakovenkoІhor Soykіn
The story of a modern woman who, for the sake of survival, is forced to trade her body.
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