Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Tragicomedy
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Oleksandr Vіzir
Screenwriter Oleksіy Holovchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Іhor Belyakov
Production Designer V'yacheslav YershovHennadіy Mahonіn
Composers Mihaylo Staricykiy
Sound Directors Natalіya Serha
Film editor Dollі Nayvelyt
Сostume designer Svіtlana Pobereghna
Makeup artists Marina Volkova
Leading actors Yevdokіya HermanovaYurіy YevsyukovErnst RomanovValerіy NіkolaievMarina SaharovaOlena DranishYevhen PashinNatalіya RomansykaLeonid BakshtaevNіna SharolapovaOlena ChekanSerhіy Ponomarenko
Supporting Actors Anatolii BarchukMikola HudzyHeorhіy DvornіkovHanna LevchenkoYurіy RudchenkoViktor StepanenkoO. Steshenko
Larissa works as a musician under the nickname Niagara. Her life is very lonely and unsettled, she hopes to find her true love, but every day she loses her faith. Suddenly, everything changes when she gets to know a ridiculously up-to-date clumsy-boner. Now she does not believe that happiness has come to her in the face of a funny, timeless but open and useless casual man.
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