Who are you?

Ukraine - 2018

Status Completed

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2018, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 8.08%

Fraction 24.15%

Genre Detective

Production company UPS

Directors Anatolіy Mateshko

Screenwriter Natalya Orlyansyka

Director of photography (DOP) Artem Vasiliev (II)

Production Designer Vіktor Kuleshov

Composers Vladlen Pupkov

Sound Directors Anton HusievMihaylo Petrenko (II)Іhor YashinIhor Kazmirchuk

Film editor Vіktor Fedik

Сostume designer Svіtlana Yaroslavsyka

Makeup artists Yanina Berezucyka

Second Director Anastasia Korotka

Casting director Іrina Sultanova

Producer Yevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia StrybukІrina Zarya

Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs

Leading actors Kateryna KuznetsovaAnton BatirievYaroslav HurevichIhor PazychMiroslav PavlіchenkoAnastasіya Mateshko

Supporting Actors Oleh PrimohenovRenat SiettarovVolodymyr AbazopuloOlena HohlatkіnaKostyantin OktyabrsykiyKostyantin MelynikSerhіy SolodovAnna LebedievaІnna MіroshnichenkoІnna KucenkoVadim ZalesykiyLee BerlinskaSergey DengaOleksandr TolmachovKaterina KachanІhor RubashkіnDanilo MіreshkіnGlib MatsiboraKlavdіya Drozd (Bunina)Kateryna Sary-YurievaMarіya SeverіlovaOlena RechichLyudmila DementyievaІrina SultanovaZoryana KohanchukTamara AntropovaNatalya TsyganenkoMihaylo KrishtalyVladislav OnіschenkoVasylyna PalamarArtem MyausAnastasіya CimbalaruOleh ZahorodnіyRuslan KovalOleh ScherbinaTaras ShevchenkoOleksandr Mironov (II)Oryna PetrovaHanna LevchenkoBoris AbramovOksana KolyadenkoKaterina VarchenkoDar'ya RibakYana ZelensykaVitalii MatviienkoAndrіy YevseienkoTimur AslanovAlla MartinyukOlena SvetlitskayaSerhіy DetyukVeronіka Luk'yanenkoArtur NovikovLesya LipchukDarina PanasenkoVeronіka KuznecovaVladislava HliebaMihaylo ChertіlіnAndrіy GhurbaTetyana BashkatovaYevhen Oliinyk (II)Serhey Lihtey

Creation year 2018

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 19 november 2018

At the heart of the story is psychotherapist Inga Stefan, who, after the strange death of several patients and the disappearance of the groom, begins to cooperate with the criminal police department. Helping law enforcement agencies investigate another case, the heroine tries to put herself in the place of the killer and find answers to the questions: "Who are you?", "What moves you?". In parallel with the police, she is conducting her own investigation, during which she wants to find out who is behind the deaths of her patients and the groom ...

Movie shots

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