The Adventures of an Abandoned Man, or Life as a Circus
99 minutes - Ukraine, United States - 2000
Status Completed
Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company Kіnokompanіya «Maystri kіno»
Directors Yevhen Shishkіn
Screenwriter Yevhen Shishkіn
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Bass
Composers V'yacheslav Nazarov
Sound Directors Oleksandr RenkovOleksіy Stremovsykiy
Film editor Andrіy Orlov
Makeup artists Tetyana Tatarenko
Producer Yevhen Shishkіn
Leading actors Dmitro LalienkovOlena StefansykaRimma Ziubіna Mykola BoklanVolodimir HoryansykiyDavid BabayevSvіtlana OrlіchenkoHanna LevchenkoVitaliy LinetskiyVlad ZadnіprovsykiyOlena UzlyukYuliya VolchkovaMarіya RozumenkoYevhen ShishkіnVіya Kalyve
Supporting Actors Mikola BabenkoOleksandr HetymansykiyOleksandr HorbunovInna BelikovaValentin ScherbachovYevhen KrachunDenis HalyapіnHrihorіy ShishkіnІrina ShishkіnaYevhenіya ShishkіnaOlena ChervonenkoTetyana KonovalovaOlena VіrsykaNatalіya BuhalovaMarіya PrimochenovaNatalіya VoloshinaYevhenіya TimoshenkoYulіya BohdanNatalіya RozkokohaVasily HalataArkadіy TaverTetyana ShlyapіnaLyudmila ZahorsykaKaterina ShurihіnaVolodimir PrudnikovLyubov SkibaOlena TulubensykaVіra OhotnicykaSerhіy OhotnicykiyNatalіya RitusYulіy TkachenkoMikola BondarenkoІvan Kazenniy
The wife jumped Yevgeny with his mistress and left him. Painful attempts at reconciliation with his wife did not lead to anything. Then he decided to marry a second time and find the bride by phone directory, for which he came up with a plan ...
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