Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 16, ~44 minutes, TV channel Новий канал
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company Star Media
Directors Volodimir Harchenko-Kulіkovsykiy
Screenwriter Oksana Bezrutchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Yevgeniy Adamenko
Production Designer Lyudmila Shara
Composers Nadіya Odesyuk
Sound Directors Volodimir Hrihorovich
Film editor Volodimir Skiba
Сostume designer Іrina Yakimchuk
Makeup artists Oksana Moiseieva
Second Director Іlona Hordіienko
Casting director Kseniia Svystun-PilyavskayaValerіya KanonіkPetro Kuznetsov (II)
Producer Halina HrapkoVladyslav RiashynVolodimir LokotkoOleksiy GladushevskyyOleksandra Tkachenko (II)
Executive Producers Oleksandr Cyapkalo
Leading actors Olesia ZhurakivskaIrma VitovskaV'yacheslav DovghenkoAlessandro DemchenkoKlavdіya Drozd (Bunina)Lyudmila ValіvocyNatalіya SumsykaVіktor AndrіienkoOleksandr RudynskyAnastasіya KapshuchenkoEvgeniy DavidenkoІhor RubashkіnІrina DoroshenkoOleksandr MelynikVolodimir KovcunVolodimir GhohloDem'yan Shiyan
Supporting Actors Sergh AvakyanArtur AramyanAsia BilaV'yacheslav BielozorovDmitro BіlecykiyOleksandr BodnarAlіsa BoghkovaLyubov BondarenkoYevhen BondarsykiyOleksandr BondarBorislav BorisenkoTetyana VashnevsykaSerhіy VlasenkoOleksii VototnikovSerhіy HavrilyukOlena HalushkaJulia GapchukAnastasiia GyrenkovaSerhіy HirichVolodimir HoncharovDіana HordaFedіr HurinecyOleksandr HirnuBoris DavihoraVіktor DanilyukMaksym DevizorovOlyha DetyukAnna DetyukOlyha DoroschukІrina ZaiecyOleksandr ZarubeiTetina ZlovaІhor ZorovOleksandr ІvanovOleg KarpenkoOleksandr KatunіnSerhіy KisіlyOleh KicenkoSerhіy KiyashkoAndrіy KlimenkoOksana KolyadenkoІvan KononenkoDmitro KrasniyVadym KurylkoVadim KucenokYurіy LіsoviyTetyana LyutikYevhen MalukhaIhor MarusyakDmitro MelenevsykiySerhіy MelynikOleksandr Mironov (II)Denis MuradovKirilo MishkіnVolodimir NіkolaienkoAndrіy NovichenkoDmytro OliinykOlesya OstrovsykaVadym PavlenkoValentina PapenkoKrіstіan PapіnOleksandr PedanOleksandr PetrenkoKseniia Svystun-PilyavskayaArtem PlyonderOleksandr PolіschukOleksandra PolyhuyHennadii PopenkoSerhіy PrihnenkoOlena ProvotarYurіy RadіonovMihaylo RomanovSerhіy SafronchikІvan SvistunAlla SerhiikoAnna SediukYevhen SolomkoSerhіy SolopayViacheslav StasenkoViktor StepanenkoІhor TartinsykihLyubov TimoshevsykaYevhen TodorakіnYurіi TeteAnastasіya UstimenkoBoris FelydmanNatalіya FіlіpovichYurіy FrehanOlena HohlatkіnaValerіya ChaykovsykaІnna ChaykovsykaKarina ShereverovaYulіya ShuharІhor ScherbakValerіy YurchenkoSerhey Lihtey
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 09 september 2019
Budget ₴ 33 000 000
Irina Ruda is the owner of a cozy family restaurant Podorozhnik on the Zhytomyr highway. A woman raises money for a cherished desire: to expand a business. But the arrival of the girlfriend crossed all the plans… The couple Irina and Anatoly opened a joint family affair – roadside cafe Podorozhnik. They put all the savings into this business. Moreover, at their own risk the couple has sold two capital apartments! Fortunately, the restaurant turned out to be very lucrative, there was no stopping visitors. Therefore, the family decided to buy another motel and restaurant complex. Rudykh's plans were not destined to come true. Former classmate and main competitor of Ira, Susanna Forza, returned from Italy at the most responsible moment. A woman from under the nose of the family bought the motel that Irina dreamed of. And to strike even more blows, Susanna, together with her Milanese love, Mario opened a restaurant called Piantaggine, which translates from Italian as Plantain! At this moment, the struggle for a place under the sun begins between the two establishments… In the TV show Planters, the true Italian passions are raging! Back in his school years, Tolik was in love with Susannah. Ira worries that her former feelings may come back again, so she in every way protects her husband from a seductive rival. The children, the daughter of Mister Plantain Anya and the son of Piantaggine owner Alex, also raised problems. Forbidden love broke out between them.андрієн
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