Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 16, ~51 minutes, TV channel Інтер
Rating 1.72%
Fraction 6.06%
Production company Kiivtelefіlym
Directors Vіktor Konіsevich
Screenwriter Yana Romanenko
Director of photography (DOP) Artem Koziriev
Production Designer Oleksandr Ukolov
Composers De Wolfe Music
Sound Directors Timur PolyansykiyYehor Іrodov
Film editor Іhor Matvieiev
Сostume designer Tetyana Zubarieva (II)
Makeup artists Іrina Boycova
Second Director Іllya Trifonov
Operator Mikola KrighanіvsykiyYunus Seytablaiev
Casting director Іrina Nenahova
Producer Valentin Opaliev
Executive Producers Pavlo Karvan
Leading actors Olyha VenіkovaOleksandr KonstantinovTetyana LyutaievaAnatolіy KotenievDmitro ShevchenkoAnna LehchilovaVіra SotnikovaOleksandra Par'ievaVіra ShpakStanіslav Tіkunov
Supporting Actors Pavlo AldoshinAnatolіy ZіnovenkoOleksandr HannochenkoRehіna HanіvecykaGaluna SviataVіktor KonіsevichІrina Kalashnіkova (Melnyk)Sergey VolyanovskyRuslan HofurovSerhіy SafronchikMarіya PustovaAnastasiya KasilovaOleksandr Mironov (II)Volodimir YamnenkoAlla MartinyukVіktor SaraykіnOlesia HolubSerhіy BerestLeonid HoncharOlyha MorozovaVladislav RomanіchenkoValerіy LatkoAnna BakhmutAnatolіy HolubovsykiyYurіy ShulyhanSerhіy TodorovVolodimir ShipovalovVolodimir BelyaievVyacheslav ShehovcovValerіy ZaycevІvan KablovYaroslav ShinderYulіya Hrihor'ievaAnastasіya BashaOlena DudichOleh ShushpannіkovZaza ChanturіyaOleksandr PershinІrina RudenkoAndrii DebrinEkaterina KireicevaOleksandra PolyhuySerhіy KucheraІhor ReutSerhіy UlashevAndrey MordovetsAndrіy PopkovOlena LarіnaYurіi TeteIrina IvanovaSerhіy DolinaTetyana YurіkovaKostyantin ChornokrilyukSofi TalandіtieNіna NabokaOleksandra SizonenkoAnna PetrashVeronіka MіshaievaNatalia StepanovaBohdan LobodaІrina StasenkoTetyana ShelіhaKostyantin KosinsykiyYurіy VisocykiyAnna KabatskaBohdan BasenkoRoman MulenkoVladislav ArtemovMihaylo DzyadAnastasіya NesterenkoOleh KorkushkoRoman MahricykiyVasily Hreb'yakMikita SlobodenyukValentina VoytenkoAnatolіy TihomirovІhor HalіzovStepan DіdkіvsykiySerhіy DarіyPetro NіkіtіnMikola SerhieievOleksandr BodnarTetyana RutkіsAlіsa TunkevichLarisa UmancevaYevhen BelytyukovOksana HrebenyukOleh HusievYurіy LahutaSerhey LihteyZoya BaranovskaOlga Kiiashko
Romantic girl Nastya Shestakova specializes in the analysis of atmospheric processes. The girl loves to observe nature, which is why she chose the profession of weather forecaster. Doing her favorite thing seems to immerse her in another wonderful world. However, everything changes when her father, a farmer Yegor Ivanovich, gets into an accident. The girl is forced to take over the helm of the family business.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that his father's competitor, a young ambitious businessman Volodymyr Zorin, intends to take over his lands. Temporary absence of the owner on the hand of a cynical businessman. The man is accustomed to getting what he wants and will not stop at anything on the way to the goal.
The girl is not familiar with business processes and features of family farming. She never planned to do this, but life was different. Suddenly, she had many obligations, which are very difficult for her to cope with. It's good that there is an old friend Ivan, who is secretly in love with her.
In this difficult and quite tense period, Ivan puts his strong man's shoulder in the hope that difficulties will bring them closer. Only Nastya sees in her assistant just a good friend who was there at the right time. She does not promise anything and does not mislead Ivan, but he does not give up. An intrusive guy is ready to fight for his happiness and wait as long as necessary. But suddenly Zorin, with whom Nastya turned out to be acquainted for a long time, interferes in their relationship.
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