Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaComedyScreen adaptation
Production company Good Morning FilmsMainstream PicturesStewopol
Distributor FILM.UA Distribution
Directors Oleksіy Taranenko
Screenwriter Pavlo Belyansykiy
Director of photography (DOP) V'yacheslav Rakovsykiy
Production Designer Іvan Tischenko
Composers Mikita BudashMaria Khmelova
Sound Directors Andrіy ObodValerіy Andrіienko
Film editor Alexander ChornyVіktor Malyarenko
Сostume designer Іrina DronovaOlyha Іpatova
Makeup artists Olena Kopa
Second Director Anastasіya Atamanchuk
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Andrii KorniienkoArtem KoliubaievMaksim Leschenko
Executive Producers Taras BosakVeronika Kryzhna
Creative Producers Andrii Korniienko
Line Producers Andrіy Ray
Leading actors Vіtalіy SalіyHanna ІvanovaVіktorіya Horodecyka
Supporting Actors Vіktor GhdanovІhor CіshkevichOlena LesnіkovaYevhen Oliinyk (II)Maksym DonetsAndrіy ІsaienkoAlex TritenkoYaroslav BezkorovaynyiOlena HohlatkіnaOksana ZhdanovaRimma Ziubіna Halina KornieievaNіna NabokaIhor SalimonovOleksandr AbaievRoman SobolevsykiyValerіy PasіchnikVolodimir ShipovalovOleh HusievYana DubecyVladislav KunіcinAleksei AgeevYurіy FrehanOlga SafronovaLyubov TimoshevsykaTamara AntropovaMarharita LapіnaPavlo BelyansykiyDenis KolyubaievAnastasіya AtamanchukAndrіy FedіnchikDem'yan Shiyan
Voice acting Dem'yan Shiyan
Soundtrack Marina Kruty
Photographer Kostyantin Mohnach
Creation year 2021
Language Ukrainian
World Premiere 01 june 2021
Premiere in Ukraine 01 june 2021
Rental in Ukraine with 15 september 2022
Budget ₴ 23 198 600
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 2 517 987
Spectators in cinemas 20422
Full-length film I am working on a cemetery based on the book of the same name by Ukrainian writer Pavel Pate Belyanskiy is an adaptation of a popular work of contemporary Ukrainian literature. The film tells the story of a man who escaped life and found a quiet job in a cemetery where he sells monuments to relatives of the dead. He hopes that few will bother him there. But there are other plans in life: in a circle of different fates, ridiculous and sad, our hero begins to change.
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