
- 2019

Status At the stage of filming

Format Film

Category Full-length

Production company YAREMA FILM

Directors Volodymyr Tykhyy

Screenwriter Vіtalіy Zahoruyko

Director of photography (DOP) Serhiy Stetsenko

Production Designer Volodimir Lyubiy

Composers Yurіy Saienko

Sound Directors Mihaylo Zakutsykiy

Сostume designer Olena Hresy

Leading actors Dmitro YaroshenkoVolodimir PravosudovDіana HordaVіra Horda

Creation year 2019

World Premiere 31 october 2020

Premiere in Ukraine 31 october 2020

The valley is a town in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the outskirts of which in the early 1950s became one of the hottest hotbeds of the fierce struggle between the already exhausted Ukrainian underground and the all-powerful punitive machine of the Soviet MGB. It will be a psychological drama about the last years of the UPA soldiers' struggle in Galicia. The film will not have influential historical figures and large-scale battle scenes. Only the fates and experiences of people who are either forced to adapt to the new realities of victorious Stalinism, or continue to struggle without the hope of victory, and even in the immediate companions are able to see the enemy. As a potential traitor, he turns out to be a hero, and the indomitable conductor of the will and circumstances of the MGB agents becomes a traitor and helps the "gebbis" to destroy their yesterday's brothers, but in the end manages to beat the puppeteers and cruelly revenge them. The project is being implemented with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund.

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