Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company Wise Vision
Distributor Top Film Distribution
Directors Serhіy Chekalov
Screenwriter Oleksandr KachanTetyana BessarabOleksandr KvakІhor Shvecov
Director of photography (DOP) Alіsher Hamіdhodghaiev
Production Designer Serhіy Havrilenkov
Composers Serhii Krutsenko
Sound Directors Oleh Kulychicykiy
Film editor Olyha Proshkіna
Сostume designer Halina Salynіkova
Makeup artists Vіktorіya Vereschak
Second Director Irina Khranovskaya
Casting director Svіtlana HoroshkovaVіktorіya Tkachenko
Producer Oresta KompanecyDenis Tulіn
Executive Producers Tetyana Smirnova (III)
Creative Producers Anastasіya Slіchna
Line Producers Vіktorіya Chekalova
Leading actors Yehor BeroievYulіya SnіhіryTetyana OrlovaDmitro NahіievSemen FurmanAnna SemenovichMihaylo TarabukіnMihaylo BohdasarovYevhen SmorihіnKirilo GhandarovOlha Polyakova (II)Petro TomashevsykiyKaterina KopanovaYulіya KuvarzіnaSeydulla MoldahanovYulіya HalkіnaVolodimir MashukSofіya KorecykaBohdan ZhelezniakAnatolіy ZіnovenkoTamara YacenkoOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaOlesia ZhurakivskaNіna NіgheradzeSerhіy RadchenkoMihaylo KukuyukValerіy AstahovMaksim PanykіvMaksym ZapisochniySaak DuryanSerhіy Bondarchuk (II)Kostyantin ChornokrilyukIryna ShumeikoOymahmad AllaberіievElіna KompanecyOleksandra SmolencevaKarlos Harsіya MartіnesYehor ChekalovVіktor Parandyuk
Supporting Actors Alla AverghiievaVіktorіya AkentyievaVolodimir BarabashOleh BelіnsykiyAnhelіna BіlecykaVіktorіya BіlecykaOleksiy BiletskiyKsenіya BondarievaMikola BondarenkoNatalіya VarichTetyana VasilyokVolodar VelіkodniyVolodimir VelіkodniyOlena HaldecykaOlyha HarievaSofіya HarievaOleksandr HorbachevsykiyNatalіya HrohotovaTetyana DereschukYana DereschukYaroslav DereschukІrina DeryabіnaValerіy YevecykiyHordіy ZadereyOleksіy KaramashRoman KaramashVadim KarpenkoОльга Карпенко (II)Valerіya KіmYelizaveta KіmOleksandr KobilіnsykiyMar’yana KovbaKostyantin KolesnikDmitro KornіievichOlena KornіienkoAnhelіna KostricykaDіana KostricykaSerhіy KrupenyaVladislav KunіcinІnna LіMikola LіOleksandr LіYevhen LyaschenkoLyudmila ManіloKaterina MartinchikKostyantin MartinchikOleksandr MikitenkoEduard MorozovOlena MusіienkoLyudmila NіkolaievaNaymі AsralanMіr ValіNaymі Mіr Valі ShahStanіslav ObrіzanOleksandr OstapenkoHlіb PerovOlena PerovaHalіya PloskaTamara PolіschukOlena PushnyaBohdan RudikValentina SvyatohorVsevolod SvyatohorTatjana Tartachnik-NaimiSerhіy TityukNatalіya TischenkoTetyana TіtochkaKostyantin TkachenkoNatalіya TretyakGhanna TrushkіnaOksana TyuAnastasіya TyanNadіya HarchenkoAnatolіy HristoforovDenis ChernishovOlyha ChernishovaOlena ChuprikovaOleksandr ShapanovOlena SharovaNіna Shimancova
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 12 december 2013
Premiere in Ukraine 12 december 2013
Hire the world with 12 december 2013
Rental in Ukraine with 12 december 2013
Igor, who works in the North for a contract, has been away from home for three years. He misses his beloved wife, Luda and children, but the urgent need to make money does not make it possible to return to the family.
Its transport plane flies to the area of a small northern village and loses control in the sky. As a crew commander, Igor takes the emergency situation into his own hands and successfully completes the emergency landing. Pilots bring locals Christmas gifts, food and medicine. As a token of gratitude, the local shaman Tancul gives Igor a charming mascot - a white dog who becomes a constant companion in all the adventures of the pilot on his way home.
Meanwhile, Igor's wife, tired of long separation, is offered to celebrate the New Year with another man. Igor has only three days to overcome the distance, the circumstances, to return the affection of his beloved People and to find family happiness again.
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