Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movieComedy
Production company Hanzafіlym
Distributor Ukrainian Film Distribution
Directors Oleksandr Berezan
Screenwriter Taras BorovokDmytro Naumov
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Koroly
Production Designer Volodymyr Romanov
Composers Oleksandr Soshalysykiy
Sound Directors Serhіy Prokopenko
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Marіya KeroHala Otenko
Makeup artists Olyha Ahtarnіya
Casting director Olena Artomova
Producer Dmitro Kravchenko
Leading actors Ivan SharanYuriy Khvostenko Іrina HrishakPavlo KrughnovVsevolod ShekіtaVіktor SemirozumenkoKsenіya NіkolaievaYanush YuhnicykiyOleksandr ValyukYaroslav BezkorovaynyiOleh PrimohenovVolodymyr ZakharenkovMihaylo FedorchenkoKostyantin OktyabrsykiyBogdan Oleynik
Supporting Actors Oleh SimonenkoOlena MatyushenkoOrest HardaJean SelezenyevVladlen PortnіkovOleksandr RudynskyHrihorіy BaklanovDmitro UsovNadiia LevchenkoKaterina RubashkіnaYuliya ZagornaKaterina VayvalaTetyana ІvanenkoYelizaveta ZaycevaLyubov MuhaІhor HavrilіvOlena SvetlitskayaYaroslav FedorchukVolodimir KochmarOlyha DoroschukStanіslav BіliyOleksandr NorchukAndrіy VoytyukArtur NovikovDenis HotyanchukHennadіy SamoylovYevheniia MiakenkaOlena HohlatkіnaVolodimir HelyasOleksandr PogharsykiyYevhen StepanovDmitro VoytkoLeonіd KiselyovSerhіy LehkobіtІllya KozakOleksandr BachmanPetro MikityukDmitro KovalenkoMaksim PanykіvVіktor SamoylenkoOleksandr NevzorovVladislav Onіschenko
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 27 september 2018
Rental in Ukraine with 27 september 2018
Budget ₴ 36 956 848
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 928 964
Spectators in cinemas 11072
A humorous story of the bodyguards of Bodie and Mirek of Lviv who live under the slogan: Loving Lviv, women and jokes. To make life colorful, noble vagrants embark on various adventures while remaining positive heroes. Unexpectedly, they become the guardians of a young Christ who was left without parents early and had her uncle as a guardian. After his unexpected death, she is immediately interrupted by two members of the world's evil – the Nazis and the Communists. But Christina is not one who agrees to be a victim of circumstances! Together with her parents Mirek and Bode, she saves herself and the whole world, and not least – thanks to Christ's love for Zbyshek, her boyfriend. It is so powerful that it is not afraid of the forces of evil, or even of Zbyshekov's mother.
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