Josephine, the Singer and the Mice People

105 minutes - Ukraine, Germany - 1994

Status Completed


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0
No trailer

Format Film

Category Full-length

Genre Screen adaptationArthouse

Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra DovghenkaInnova Film GmBH

Directors Sergii Masloboishchykov

Screenwriter Sergii Masloboishchykov

Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Shumovich

Production Designer Oksana Timonіshina

Composers Yuhim Hofman

Sound Directors Serhіy Vachі

Film editor Eleonora Summovsyka

Сostume designer Tetyana SolovyovaTetyana Aleksandrova

Makeup artists Nellі Ghurbenko

Second Director Nadіya Lahutenko

Operator Anatoliy Kuzmenko (II)

Producer Oleksandr Rodnyansykiy

Executive Producers Boris Fuksmann

Line Producers Volodimir Oseledchik

Leading actors Alla SerhiikoOleh ІsaievVadim SkuratіvsykiyYevhen MedoviyMihaylo DementyievPetro MіhnevichAntonіna ChihirikOleh PrimohenovVіktor AndrіienkoAndrіy DementyievSerhiy ProskurniaSerhіy VasilyievArtur LіOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyLeon KlyaynberhYulіk Ciselysykiy

Supporting Actors Vasily LeshikDmitro MahnichEduard CiselysykiyPetro NіkіtіnVasily HubkoVadim NechiporenkoNonna FіalkoLіlіya MaksimenkoTamara KelychicykaOlyha PriboraHalina LyubarsykaKudryavtseva ElenaOmelyan SavkaBohdan BratkoTaras RidushTamara PlashenkoValentina RudenkoNatalіya HubkoTetyana KrivicykaVadim MorozVolodimir FesenkoBoris ShevchukValentina ZabrolіnaOlyha RudnicykaKlara ShpolysykaMarіya BabenyukKlavdіya CehmіstroBoris YarocykiyAndrіy PіddubniyAlla SheremetGeorge GrabowichІvan PalamaryukAlla ZahinaykoOlyha TimohovaMikola NatalushkoArefіy KratkoHalina PupchenkoMikola PupchenkoOlyha ІlyinaKaterina ZabrodіnaHalina UlyyanovaOlena GhuhanKaterina ChumakovaValentina UlyyanovaMarina KlevchukLіdіya VovkunOlena ІzaksonAndrіy HrіnSvyatoslav VovkunVolodimir SovaІllya LutikVolodimir ChihlyaievHrihorіy VolinecyLyudmila MіlіnchukAlla NatalushkoVіktor HarikNіna KlyuchnikovaVolodimir VaynerOlena KastellіLarisa NedіnZihmund BelevichOrisya PolyansykaSerhіy KostyukovsykiyMarіya ShamіnaPavlo Shvecy

Creation year 1994

Country UkraineGermany

Language UkrainianRussian

Premiere in Ukraine 08 march 1994

Rental in Ukraine with 08 march 1994

The film based on Franz Kafka stories ("Josephine the Singer or the Mouse People", "The Study of One Dog", "The Artist of Hunger", "Ancient Record", "Rejection", "Children on the Road", "Boredom" ", "America"), united by a single plot, is a documentary report from a fictional world.

The theater, in which people are hiding – adults and children, who have arranged their lives in different corners of the building, is besieged from the outside by an influx of wild nomads. The newcomers do not yet dare to make contact with the residents of the theater, but keep them in constant tension. The real idol of the residents of the theater is the singer Josephine, who shares the anxieties of her community, but all the time demands special attention to her person. After all, her art is nothing special – her screeching is the natural language of all the inhabitants.

Josephine claims exclusive adoration. That is why she is jealous of a visiting foreigner boy who demonstrates hunger pangs and distracts people from paying attention to the diva.

Josephine's power is irresistible, because her voice is the personification of the voice of the people who live their anxious everyday life in paradoxical conditions.


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