Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2022, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Київстар ТБ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Drama
Directors Taras Tkachenko
Screenwriter Valentina Rudenko (II)Taras AntypovychTaras Tkachenko
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Kіptіliy
Production Designer Olyha Troyan
Composers Maria KhmelovaKyrylo Borodin
Sound Directors Dmitro TeryohіnDmitro Konoplyanik
Film editor Serhіy Tuzyuk
Сostume designer Maiia Ivanova
Makeup artists Іlona Lehchilo
Second Director Haiane Dzhahinian
Casting director Lіlіya Kitayhora
Producer Vіktorіya HorenshteynTetiana KutsKhrystyna ShkabarDaryna ZhukovaOlena Yeremieieva
Executive Producers Oleksіy Seny
Creative Producers Valentina Rudenko (II)
Line Producers Yaroslav HubernachukAnton Antonevych
Leading actors Bohdan BeniukKaterina AleksieievaValentyna SerheievaVіktor GhdanovOlyha SumsykaOleh ІvanicyaIlia PonomarenkoAlybert MalіkBorislav BorisenkoMykola DanyliukOleksandr Mironov (II)V'yacheslav Bielozorov
Supporting Actors Oleh ShushpannіkovSergey VolyanovskyYurii KukharenkoMaksim BoryakDіna AntonenkoDaria MatvieievaHanna MasloІhor BarsehyanSerhіy HavrilyukMihaylo KrishtalySerhіy PonomarenkoTetiana LeshchenkoOleksandra KalaidaKristina RomanovaDenis ShekOleksii BielovVitaliy TeplyukOleksandr DudnikAnna SavchenkoIhor ParhomenkoMikola KovalyMihaylo HronsykiyYurii ChernehaOleksandr SeleznovNatalia Smirnova
Based on the play by Ivan Karpenko-Kary.
The plot focuses on Terentiy Puzyr. He is a modern dollar multimillionaire, the owner of an agricultural holding, who considers himself the “master” of the region and human destinies. He manipulates and intimidates people because he wants to maintain his influence and increase his wealth, and he stubbornly continues to be faithful to his old approaches, despite the fact that the world around him is changing. The bubble does not notice that he has surrounded himself with people as unscrupulous as himself, who are ready to betray him at any moment. But will he realise his mistakes in time and be able to change?
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