Pavlo Shmarjov

Leading actor (2) Supporting Actor (4)

  • GenderMale
  • Age56 years
  • Date of birth27 May 1967
  • Country of birthUkraine

Dnіpropetrovsyke Derghavne teatralyne uchilische. 1993r.


He was born on May 27, 1967 in the village. Lysa Gora, near Zaporozhye. He graduated from the acting department of the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School in 1993, ZF Selenkova's workshop. In the troupe of the Odessa Ukrainian Theater since 1993. Roles in Cinema: 2003Breath of the Earth (Ukraine) Andrey Loburenko.2006Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of the Search-1Leonid Mikhailovich Golovkin.2007LiquidationEpisod2008BypotakDirector of the Shop.2010Love March 9! 2014-16Golov.2015Anka from MoldavankyTolly-tagged. 2016One (Ukraine) Damir2017Captain (Ukraine) Episode2018Pes-4 (Ukraine) ChromovMalten