Evgen Tkach

Company representative "Explorer Life"

  • GenderMale
  • Age37 years
  • Date of birth02 october 1986
  • Place of birthKishinіv
  • Country of birthMoldova

2013 r. – aspіrantura Kiivsykoho nacіonalynoho unіversitetu іm. Tarasa Shevchenka;

2016 rocі buv spіvzasnovnikom pіznavalyne onlayn medіa "Explorer Life", do 2018 roku buv medіamendgherom vidannya;

2018 r. – kurs “Shkola medіa menedghera” vіd Lyvіvsykoho Medіa Forumu;

2019 r. - prodyuser, studіi dokumentalynoho kіno “Explorer Life”;

2021 r. - prodyuser v “Zebra production”

2021 r. – Digital Lab: kіnoprodyuseri – іntensivniy kurs vіd House of Europe; 

2021 rіk - kurs “Vіdeoprodakshn”, vіd Projector

2022 rіk - kurs "Scenarіy dokumentalynoho kіno" vіd SCVOT 


I am the owner of Explorer Life media brand. As an informative media outlet, we produced the following topics and shared them with our audience: stories about Ukrainian travel and expeditionary research, documentaries about natural locations, and objects of cultural and historical value https://magazine.explorer.life/. One of the strategic directions of Explorer Life’s activity is the production of audio-visual educational content about Ukraine https://films.explorer.life/.

In 2020, Explorer Life documentary film studio received institutional support from the Ukrainian Cultural Fund for the further development of the produced projects.

Experience in the field of audio-visual production as follows:

Production of the promotional video “Valley of the Carpathian Bison” (2018) about Skolivski Beskydy National Park on demand of Lviv Regional State Administration; ·  Production of promotional videos “Holohory, as a new idea for family travel” (2019) about Pivnichne Podillya National Park by demand of Lviv Regional State Administration; ·  Promotion of special screenings of the documentary film “Morocco” of the project “Erasing Borders”.  ·  Development of the feature film “Carpathians Primary Forest”, genre – the documentary about nature in 2019; ·  Production of the short film “Primary Forest” on-demand of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Ukraine); the work was included in the collection of the best landscapes of the Earth from the WWF in 2019. ·  Feature film documentary “Valley of the Carpathian Bison” (in production) in 2021. The project received support during the fundraising campaign at Spilnokosht and became the winner of Lviv Film Pitching. Project also won the 17th state cinema pitching in 2021; ·  Short documentary “One in the Ocean” (in development) in 2021. The project also received support at Lviv film pitching; ·  Production of the promotional video “Terra Podolica - a tourist route through fantastic landscapes” on demand of Terra Podolica NGO in 2021; ·  Production of the documentary short film “Ecosystem adaptation to climate change in Ukraine” on demand of the German government and the Michael Zukkov Fund (Germany) in 2021.

Experience and projects:

Postgraduate studies in Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University in 2013; · Was a co-founder of the educational online media “Explorer Life” in 2016, and until 2018 was the media manager of the publication; · Passed the course “School of Media Manager” from Lviv Media Forum in 2018; · Producer in documentary film studio “Explorer Life” in 2019; · Producer in “Zebra Production” in 2021 · Digital Lab: film producers, an intensive course from the House of Europe in 2021;  · Video production course from Projector in 2021 ·  Gained invaluable production experience during the development of the film “Carpathians Primary Forest”, genre – documentary about nature, in 2019;