Oksana Kapinos
Vipusknicya Unіversitetu Yana Amose Komensykoho v Prazі:
2010-2014 stupіny bakalavra v ghurnalіsticі;
2014-2016 stupіny mahіstra za napryamom Scenіchne ta audіovіzualyne mistectvo.
Oksana Kapinos received a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Social and Media Communications with a specialization in scenic and audiovisual communications from the University of J.A. Komensky in Prague in 2016.Over the next two years, Oksana worked as a Multimedia Producer at Current Time TV under Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), researching, writing, producing, and editing original TV and multimedia content. Oksana’s passion for documentary film production began in 2017, when she won a grant from Current Time TV to produce her first short documentary film Always There, the story of a special group of children with Epidermolysis bullosa, an extremely rare and challenging skin disease. Oksana managed an international team of ten people in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Ukraine alongside director Anna Korzh. In 2018, Oksana founded Machu Pictures s.r.o., a production company focused on films highlighting cultural and social projects. She then began overseeing development of her second collaboration with Anna Korzh, their debut feature-length documentary DakhaBrakha: On the Road, which follows a famous Ukrainian avant-garde folk group as they transmit their modern interpretation of Ukrainian music and culture through their performances around the world.
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