Den Zolotarouv

Creative Producer (4) Editor (0) Leading actor (1) Playwright (0) Screenwriter (7)

  • GenderMale
  • Age45 years
  • Date of birth24 december 1979
  • Country of birthUkraine



He was born in 1979 in Luhansk. After graduating from school, in 1997 he became a student of Daliau University. In 1998 he joined the TV team of KVN "Va-Bank". In 2006 he moved to Kyiv and started working as a screenwriter at ComedyClub UA. author of radio projects. in 2010 he started working for Ukraine TV channel, collaborated with 17Production on the creation of series for the NLOT channel - "SishishShow" and "SishishShow.Bar", "SuperCops" in 2016 left the channel "Ukraine" and became a creative producer and 17Production editor. He worked on developing the idea, creating stories and writing scripts for three seasons of the series "Super Cops", three seasons of the sitcom "Defects". The author of the idea of the series "AMBU" and the author of the script of two seasons of the series "AMBU" sang. Editor-in-Chief of the projects "Defects", "SuperCops", "AMBU"