Kostiantyn Solovienko

Screenwriter (0)

  • GenderMale
  • Age62 years
  • Date of birth24 november 1961
  • Place of birthmіsto Fastіv
  • Country of birthUkraine

Za pershoyu unіversitetsykoyu osvіtoyu – matematik (Kiivsykiy derghavniy unіversitet, mehanіko-matematichniy fakulytet, 1984).

Pіslya zakіnchennya tryoh kursіv Open Business School The Open University Velikoi Britanіi otrimav Profesіyniy Sertifіkat Menedghera (1994). Ce buli kursi z menedghmentu, z marketinhu ta z fіnansovoho menedghmentu.

Kandidat ekonomіchnih nauk (Іrkutsyka derghavna ekonomіchna akademіya,1999). Docent (2004).


He was born on November 24, 1961 in the city of Fastiv in the Kyiv region. After his first university education - mathematician (1984). After completing three courses at Open Business School, The Open University of Great Britain received the Professional Certificate of Manager (1994). Candidate of Economic Sciences (1999), synergetic, andragogue. He worked as a turner, programmer, entrepreneur, marketing director, associate professor, dean of the Faculty of Economics, business coach, management consultant. I consider my most important scientific work to be a book co-authored by Self-Organization of Socio-Economic Systems (2003), which has become quite popular. He started writing plays and screenplays in 2010. They were published and celebrated in drama competitions: international - EURODRAM, Badenweiler, Free Theater, and domestic - Kinoscript, Drama.UA, Week of Actual Play, MonoLIT Laboratory, Role, etc. The themes of all my works are the problems of today.


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