Yelyzaveta Tsilyk

Leading actress (2) Supporting Actress (8)

  • GenderFemale
  • Age25 years
  • Date of birth24 February 1999
  • Place of birthHerson
  • Country of birthUkraine

Zakіnchila Kiivsykiy Nacіonalyniy unіversitet teatru, kіno і telebachennya іm. Karpenka-Karoho (maysternya S. Moyseieva)


Tsilyk Yelyzaveta 

24.02.1999. 21 years old

Height - 164 

Weight- 51 kg 

Eyes - grey-blue 

Hair - brown 

Kyiv national university of theatre, film and television of Karpenko-Karyi 

Finally acting course (4) 

 Works in cinema: series “Life with the Wolves” (“С вовками жить”) 2019 

Short meters “leather” 2019  (i shot in two cool short meters, but i have only a photo, because the films are still in production)

And Episode in Ukrainian series’s  ( i can show, but i am not proud of these works) 

I can dance, sing, play the ukulele, guitar, so-so piano. I studied combat, acrobatics, fencing. I can drive the automatic car. (I can all, I don’t scare)