Volodymyr Gorislavets

Leading actor (5) Supporting Actor (1)

  • GenderMale
  • Age37 years
  • Date of birth25 february 1988
  • Place of birthDnipro
  • Country of birthUkraine

1.Dnipropetrovsykiy Hosudarstvennyy teatralyno-hudoghestvennyy kolledgh (2003-2007)
2.Vische teatralynoe uchilische imeni M. S. Schepkina (2008-2012) (Moskva)


Born in the Dnieper, professionally engaged in ballroom dancing, she graduated from DOTHK in 2007, and VTU them. Shchepkina (Moscow) 2012 actor of theater and cinema, place of service theater Apart. I have two awards Sicheslavna (best student work and best debut in the theater)