Tatyana Saldetskaya

Leading actress (0) Supporting Actress (7)

  • GenderFemale
  • Age61 years
  • Date of birth07 february 1964
  • Place of birthChernіhіvsyka oblasty
  • Country of birthUkraine

V 1982 rocі zakіnchila Dnіpropetrovsyke Derghavne Teatralyne Uchilische.


Since 1982 I have been working at the Chernihiv Youth Theater. Starring A. Chekhov "The Seagull" -Arkadin, A. Chekhov "Ivanov" -Sara, O. Ostrovsky "Wolves and Sheep" -Murzavetska, D.Vasserman "Flying over the Cuckoo's Nest" -Sister Retched.