Lyudmila Rudnieva
Shkola akterskoi maysternostі TRIP Cinema School
Kurs Andrіya Shimanovsykoho " Movnі tehnіki"
Modelynі kursi Halіni Burnishevoi -modely
Nacіonalyna Muzichna Akademіya Ukraini NMAU іmenі Chaykovsykoho - vikladach muziki, pіanіstka
Unіversitet " Ukraina" - psiholoh
Ukrainsyka federacіya yohi
Actress, Model 40 I star in shows, commercials, music videos, short films, re-sounding commercials. I participate in model shows. I have two higher education degrees. She is a professional pianist, teacher of music and singing. Second education - psychologist. I play the piano and sing. I do yoga and dancing.
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