Roman Dostatnii
Leading actor (0) Supporting Actor (3)
1) Povnometraghniy fіlym "Іz zav'yazanimi ochima" ;
2) Povnometraghniy fіlym "Spas/Spas"
3) Korotkometraghniy fіlym "tizer fіlymu - AZS / Petrol station"
4) Korotkometraghniy fіlym "Zapah polya"
5) Korotkometraghniy fіlym "Vnutrіshnіy front"
6) Povnometraghniy fіlym "Legacy of lies"
7) Teleserіal "Krimіnalyniy henіy | Іstorіya odnoho zlochinu | 6 sezon 43 serіya"
8) Teleserіal "Vihodyte bez dzvіnka-2 (Serіya 2. "Nіchniy parkuvalynik") , pіslya 20.43 hv"
9) Teleserіal "le bureaul des legendes"
10) Teleperedacha "Hop-stop po-ukrainsyki. Nevghe povertayutysya lihі 90-tі? Fakti tighnya, 19.07.20"
11) Teleperedacha "Predateli v ryadah SBU i kak DNRovcy verbuyut perevozchikov. Fakti tighnya, 20.10.19"
12) Teleperedacha "Salo, med ta nastoyanka. Yak zahistiti іmunіtet? Fakti tighnya, 18.10.20"
13) Teleperedacha "Operacіya-vakcinacіya. Chim scheplyuvatimuty ukraincіv? Fakti tighnya, 28.02.21"
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