The Oscar-winning movie premiere of "The Double"
16 October 2019
Ukrainian film is on the list of contenders for the Oscars: what is known
16 October 2019
Grand Prix of the Pokrov Orthodox Film Festival received the documentary "Where Are You, Adam?"
16 October 2019
A new Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Film Academy has been elected
07 June 2019
The regulations of the Third National Film Award of Ukraine "Golden Jig" were adopted
07 June 2019
Application for participation in the Third National Film Award “Golden Jig” is completed
07 June 2019
Yuriy Garmash - this year's winner of the Golden Jig Award
07 June 2019
Darya Tregubova and Oleg Panyuta will host the Third National Film Awards
07 June 2019
European Film Academy Director Marion Doring - Honorary Guest of the Golden Jig Award
07 June 2019
The list of nominees for the Third National Film Award “Golden Jig”
07 June 2019
Online movie database of Ukraine

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