Grand Prix of the Pokrov Orthodox Film Festival received the documentary "Where Are You, Adam?"

16 October 2019

On October 10, the XVII International Festival of Orthodox Cinema "Pokrov" was officially closed. The winners were nominated in four nominations and the Grand Prix of the festival was announced. The highest award went to the documentary Where Are You Adam?


After the successful show of the tape, he spoke about expectations, emotions and further plans with the director of the picture Alexander Zaporoshenko and the producer Alexander Pliska.

“My main emotion is gratitude. It does not leave a sense of gratitude to God, the Mother of God for the help, for the people who worked and believed in us, - the director of the film Alexander shares his emotions. - We started filming in difficult times for the country (ed. - in 2014), of course, no one had any business before our work, films about Athos already existed a lot and at the time it seemed to many that when shooting another one, we seemed to be engaged in children entertainment. But Father Alexander was the first to believe in us. We started looking for funds, people helped with technology, finances, advice and kind words. I am genuinely happy for the people who deserve this prize with us. All who helped and believed. "

The greatest victory for both creators of the painting "Where are you, Adam?" is the recognition of the audience. After all, the authors were concerned about both their number (the entry was free, so it was impossible to trace the number of persons who would attend the show), and the reaction of each of them: “We wanted people to see the benefits for themselves in our work, to discover something new, got acquainted with a new culture that we offered them to immerse themselves in - this is a win for us. The reactions in the hall were really genuine, alive - people were laughing, crying. We felt exactly the same as the audience in the audience when shooting and communicating with the characters of the tape, ”says film producer Alexander Pliska.

Equally important is the understanding and understanding of the picture by each of the festival goers. According to Alexander Zaporoshenko, many have been able to rethink their lives and attitudes to different everyday things through film. As an example, the director gives the story of a boy of seven years who had an enemy at school and constantly argued and fought with him. After watching the tape, the child came out of school and told his mother that this time when the boy pushed him, he did not respond in the same way, but when he remembered the characters of the film, he mentally apologized to his classmate. For the creators of the tape, this was the first victory.

The main goal for both authors today is to be able to show the tape to more viewers, to bring it to the big screens of the country: “We shot this film so that it would be understandable for every viewer so that a person of any tradition or religion, views could understand it. and think about it. I would like to bring the tape outside the Orthodox audience. After all, monasticism is an essential part of human culture. That is why in our film we did not try to promote it or promote it to the ranks of monks, but only to acquaint people with this culture, ”- said the importance of realizing the revision of the film by Alexander Pliska.

At the end of the festival, the painters also identified a list of those works that they have touched and memorized. They consider them equally worthy of the awards and distribution to a wider audience. These include such films as Georgian director Konstantin Tsertsvadze's documentary "The Diadem of the Elder", the documentary "Tisha" (director - monk Anastasia), the animated film "The Best Place in the World" by director Tarasova Irina, as well as another interesting documentary "Ours" from Vyatka ”(director - Starry Irina).

Also, the director and producer of the film shared with us their plans for the future, where, of course, in the first place - the screening of the film "Where are you, Adam?" for a wider audience. Moreover, according to Alexander Zaporoshenko, the authors are already waiting for answers from other international festivals, hoping for an international show. The next stage is the creation of equally interesting works, the work of which is already underway. One thing: the authors are not going to dwell on one topic, but will continue to shoot tapes about the human soul, real life, everyday life, simple and understandable things for each of us.


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