Yuriy Garmash - this year's winner of the Golden Jig Award

07 June 2019

This year, cameraman Yuriy Garmash will be the winner of the Golden Jig Award for contribution to the development of Ukrainian cinema.

Yuriy Garmash - Ukrainian cinematographer, director of about 30 feature films, member of the Board of Cinematographers Guild, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, member of the European Association of Cinematographers I.M.A.G.O., Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Yury Garmash was born in Poltava region. In 1971 he graduated from VGIK, Boris Volchek's workshop. The cinematography was performed on the film "Zakhar Berkut" by Leonid Osika. Graduation work - "Finish" (directed by Gerald Bezhanov).

Since 1971, the operator of the Kiev Film Studio. O. Dovzhenko. Director of films "Novosillya", "In the Middle of Summer" (both directed by V. Ilyashenko), "I am a diver 2" (Odessa Film Studio), "Diamond Trail" (directed by V. Khmelnitsky, "Kyivnafilm"), "Babylon XX "and" Such a Late, Such a Warm Autumn "(both directed by I. Mykolaichuk)," On the eve of the premiere "," Inspector Losev "," Red shoulder straps "(all three - directed by O. Goyd)," Somewhere the war rattles " (directed by A. Voitetsky), "Outcast" (directed by V. Saveliev, received the main prize of the International Film Festival in San Remo), "Don't shoot me, please!" (directed by G. Tarnopolsky), "The Seventh Route" (directed by M. Illenko), "Ivan Mykolaychuk. Dedication" (directed by A. Sirykh).

“Yuriy Garmash, as an operator, was dramatic. It is said that after the 1974 film "In the Middle of Summer", where yellow and blue colors were clearly adjacent to the frame, he was banned from filming all year. But within five years, he became famous after Ivan Nikolaychuk's movie "Babylon XX". This amazing creative work alone is a true contribution of Yuriy Garmash to the development of Ukrainian cinema, ”said Volodymyr Voytenko, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Film Academy.

In addition to the award for contribution to the development of cinema, Golden Jig will be presented in 19 nominations. Applications for participation were accepted until January 21st. The long list included 83 motion pictures. Currently, members of the Ukrainian Film Academy are voting for films that will be included in the shortlist for Golden Jig. The nominees will be announced in March. The award ceremony of the Cinema Prize will take place on April 19 at the Park Park.

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