136 minutes - Ukraine 2003
Genre Action movie
Category Full-length
Director Hennadіy VіrstaOleh Mosіychuk
Cast Svіtlana ZubchenkoAndriy MalinovychVolodimir TalashkoOlena Sіmonі (Іvanova)Volodimir SolodіnOleksandr PapushaOleh MosіychukYurіy LitvinovRoman Іvanicykiy
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0Ukraine 2018
Director Stas Prudkiy
Music video by Stas Prudky, an amateur director of the Independent Musicians Guild, author of the kontrkultura.xyz project.
A plot built so that there is nothing in common between the content of the song, the characters, and the events the viewer watches. But so, at the same time, that all this together resonated with each other in the mood.
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0Ukraine 2017
Genre Melodrama
Director Vіktorіya Melynikova (II)
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0Ukraine 1992
Genre Documentary
Category Short documentary
Director Timur Hmelynicykiy
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 088 minutes - RussiaUnited StatesUkraine 2004
Genre Action movieDramaWar
Category Full-length
Director Dmitro Fіks
Cast Todd FіldKreyh ShefferSvіtlana MietkіnaRon PerlmanBohdan HrachikOleksіy SerebryakovOleksandr DyyachenkoOleksіy ChadovNіkolas Ayrons
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0Ukraine 2018
Genre Comedy
Category Short
Director Oleksandr Staromіnsykiy
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0100 minutes - Ukraine
Genre Thriller
Category Full-length
Director Alybert Morozov
The young girl Alina calls to radio talk show and tells she’s going to commit suicide because of raping by her teacher. The radio host Olga tries to help but understand that her husband raped this girl.
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 08 minutes - Ukraine 2020
Genre Documentary
Category Short documentary
Director Roman Totikov
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 029 minutes - Ukraine 1994
Genre Documentary
Category Short documentary
Director Leonіd Osovsykiy
Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0If you have any technical difficulties, please e-mail us at info@dzygamdb.com, or use Telegram by number +38(096)889-21-91
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