Super Cops 4

Ukraine 2018

Genre Ситком

Director Oleksandr Bohdanenko

The plot is based on the life of a newly formed police unit. Georgy Mamiashvili, the head of the police department, is a Georgian with a specific sense of humor, who blamed all his friends and relatives for corruption. Mamiashvili's young subordinates fall into a whirlpool of comic events from everyday measured life. Complicated events await them. Now their principle is "New law - new order" ...

Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

5 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre Mysticism

Category Short

Director Sofі Muzichenko

У відчаї і бажанні побачити коханого, Маргарита наважується використати магічний крем, який дав їй Азазелло. Після чого вона молодіє і підіймається до неба, до неї підлітає мітла і сміючись не своїм голосом, вона стає відьмою.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

L - Nastya

3 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre DocumentaryFilm portrait

Category Short documentary

Director Maksim Nakonechniy

Перший фільм серії «Другий фронт. Історії ЛҐБТ-військових» присвячений доброволиці, аеророзвідниці Анастасії Конфедерат – відкритій лесбійці.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Konashevych' Widow


Genre Historical

Category Full-length


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

International Legion. The Borderless Will

29 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Vasily Mosіychuk


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


43 minutes - Ukraine 2014

Genre DramaCrime

Director Serhіy Parhomenko (Seryoha)

Фільм про складність людського вибору, про те, наскільки невідворотні наслідки наших вчинків та про те, як складно зробити крок у невідоме...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


27 minutes - Ukraine 2017

Genre Experimental

Category Short documentary

Director Oleksandr Surovcov

A day in the life of a worker. Collecting wires for scrap metal. Feeding stray dogs. Chopping wood and heating the stove. Opening the gate for more important people. Zipping and simple food.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Chernivtsi. 10/14

90 minutes - Ukraine 2015

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Serhіy Ostapchuk

The movie about Chernivtsi is the first of a series of films about Ukrainian cities. This is not a "tourist business card" of the city - it focuses on the people who are now actively working for the development of their city.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Conspiracy scurl

72 minutes - UkraineBelarus 1993

Genre Drama

Category Full-length

Director Volodimir PozdnyakovVolodimir Popov (II)

August 1991. After being wounded in Afghanistan, Alex returned home. While he was at war, his mother married an official of the highest state power. Becoming an accidental witness of the preparation of the coup, Alex decides to join in someone else's game ...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0