
Ukraine 2018

Genre Comedy

Category Short

Director Oleksandr Staromіnsykiy


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Night talk

100 minutes - Ukraine

Genre Thriller

Category Full-length

Director Alybert Morozov

The young girl Alina calls to radio talk show and tells she’s going to commit suicide because of raping by her teacher. The radio host Olga tries to help but understand that her husband raped this girl.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


Ukraine 2009

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Іhor Butirin


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


8 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Roman Totikov


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Forge of the poor

29 minutes - Ukraine 1994

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Leonіd Osovsykiy


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


10 minutes - Ukraine 2010

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Oleksandra Basіy


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Invisible truth

16 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre Documentary

Director Yurіy Shilov

The film is based on three unique stories about Roma youth and their families, who belong to different social groups. By their own example, they destroy the stereotypes about the community that have existed among Ukrainians for years.

The first hero of the film is 17-year-old Daniel. He is from a wealthy Roma family. The boy is studying at the school at the media faculty, dreaming of becoming a screenwriter.

The next heroine is Monica. She is 20 and she is a medical college student, a future nurse. After college, she plans to become a doctor. She grew up in a very poor Roma family.

The third story is from Angelica, a 13-year-old schoolgirl from a large Roma family. She took care of all the housework and caring for her younger brothers. Despite the difficulties, she studies well at school, has studied Ukrainian, and dreams of becoming a confectioner.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

4 minutes - Ukraine 2021

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Darina Slіpenko

Хлопець болісно переживає розставання з дівчиною і на емоціях у нього в голові виникає аналогія з безхатьком.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

G - Nick

4 minutes - Ukraine 2020

Genre DocumentaryFilm portrait

Category Short documentary

Director Maksim Nakonechniy

Другий фільм серії «Другий фронт. Історії ЛҐБТ-військових» розповідає про волонтера-парамедика Миколу Будерацького – відкритого ґея.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0