
21 minutes - Ukraine 2012

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Aksinіya Kurіna

Victor, a student at the Faculty of Architecture, is in love with Barcelona and works with Gaudi. He is seeking a grant to study in Barcelona and is awaiting a response from a Spanish university. While the University of Barcelona is deciding whether to admit a student from Ukraine to its ranks, he is rolling to the very bottom… Will the rescue letter arrive in time?

The film is part of a series of short films Ukraine, goodbye!.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

A step to event

14 minutes - Ukraine 2012

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Polіna Kelym

In the very center of Kyiv, in the oldest theater in Kyiv, the operetta theater, the last, forty-third season is working, the costume designer is Dina Stepanovna. She saw a lot at her age, even more saw the theater. And behind the theater stood calmly the stadium. But the time came and the stadium woke up. A big holiday has come to the country - a football holiday. What can the theater do, Dina Stepanovna, to survive in the hectic sports life of today ... The only thing left is to start playing football!


The films are included in the almanac of documentaries "Out of the Euro".



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Secret SBU insulator

36 minutes - Ukraine 2018

Genre Investigation

Director Anastasіya StankoAnna TohmahchіAnastasіya Kanaryova


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

One wish, or a Christmas tale

8 minutes - Ukraine 2007

Genre Comedy

Category Short

Director Alex Bykov

The story is about a guy who wants to grow up, but is not yet ready for such changes.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The military elite of the state

21 minutes - Ukraine 1996

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Vadim Bandurko

The military elite of the state is formed taking into account national traditions, the mentality of the people and the awakening of national consciousness. All this is the basis for the training of the younger generation in the National Guard of Ukraine.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Masks. Between Life and Stage

40 minutes - Ukraine 2009

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Serhіy Hrek

The Mask actor-troupe celebrates its 25th anniversary. For this period of time actors Heorhiy Deliyev, Borys Barskiy, Nataliya Buzko gained great common experience. Now, when they are all over 50, it's time to look back and overview the life, which has been spent in masks.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Picturesque Ukraine

20 minutes - Ukraine 2001

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Oleh ZorіnOlena Zorіna


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


16 minutes - Czech RepublicUkraine 2014

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Anna Lyubinecyka


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

83 minutes - Ukraine 2010

Genre DramaScreen adaptation

Category Full-length

Director Igor Parfenov

За мотивами оповідання Джека Лондона «Божевілля Джона Гарнеда».

Арена ревно охороняє свої секрети. І ось вперше залаштунки кориди відкривають свої двері перед російським спортсменом-дзюдоїстом, який волею долі потрапив у саме пекло подій, що відбуваються в Памплоні під час фієсти, де нелюдські пристрасті його нових знайомих матадорів, перемішавши кров та пісок, життя та смерть, секс та кохання, вже його самого, немов російського бика, кинули на поталу найбільшому матадору всіх часів – натовпу.

Але вбити збожеволілого росіянина виявилося не так легко, і цього дня загинуло людей більше, ніж від усіх бичачих рогів на всіх аренах Іспанії за останні півстоліття. Арена знову напилася крові, а самогубство Ернеста Хемінгуея та його передсмертне послання стали епілогом цього фільму.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0