42 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Documentary

Director Denis Yaroshenko

Документальні історії про журналістів, ведучих телеканалу «1+1» та топ-менеджерів.

У стрічці творці пригадають, як «1+1» пережив найстрашніший день в історії незалежної України і вистояв, хто першим проінформував українців про удари російської армії по території України та як працював канал у перші дні вторгнення.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Bus Stop

3 minutes - Ukraine 2022

Genre Animation

Category Short animation

Director Katerina Omelyyanenko

Abstract and weird story follows a black cat trying to find his place in the world returning back to his roots and finding peace in his starting point.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Stream

13 minutes - Ukraine 2019

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Polіna Horobecy

Provincial wedding. It seems happiness is just around the corner. But as the sun sets, happiness floats by.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 8.5


14 minutes - Ukraine 2017

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Yevhen Nіkіforov

Mariupol is a city with one of the richest and most diverse collections of monumental mosaics of the Soviet era in the country. Do locals consider their mosaics to be a city / area / home / factory decoration and do they know their artistic value? Can they compare themselves with today's mosaic-depicted people? After all, the main story of any Soviet monumental panel was the life and work of a "typical" citizen.

The film is part of the MyStreetFilms-Frontier short-story almanac.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


10 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre Comedy

Category Short

Director Viktor Verner

Nine residents of one porch trying to get home, but the door is locked ...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Home, Sweet Home

15 minutes - Ukraine 2019

Genre Thriller

Category Short

Director Anna Morozova


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 7.5


10 minutes - Ukraine 1993

Genre Animation

Category Short animation

Director Kostyantin BaranovOleksandr HunykovsykiyІrina Smirnova


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The last nest of freedom

15 minutes - Ukraine 1993

Genre Scientific and cognitive

Category Short documentary

Director Mikola Dzenykevich

Movie 59 from the movie Unknown Ukraine. Essays on our history.

The Constitution of Hetman Philip Orlik in 1710.

Last years of existence of Zaporizhzhya Sich. The tragic fate of the cat chieftain Peter Kalnyshevsky, to whom the Sichs gave the mace for ten years in contravention of the royal ban.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0