Blud and Kavun

20 minutes - Ukraine 2022

Genre ThrillerМагічний реалізм

Category Short

Director Oleh Volodkevich

Двоє козаків – Блуд і Кавун – що втекли з ворожого полону, блукають степом, натрапляючи на одну мару за іншою. Зустрівши свого сотника вони виявляють, що той – зрадник, і Кавуну доводиться пожертвувати собою, щоб врятувати Блуда...


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 10


13 minutes - Ukraine 2019

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Maksim Tuzov

The movie is a parable of a prodigal son.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


20 minutes - Ukraine 2017

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Marіya Voronchuk

After a long absence, I return to my hometown to see its transformation through the views of the people who live there now. The bus on schedule goes to the local mine, where to hear the echo of the cannonade, and in the streets there is a holiday of spring and hope for a better life ...

The film is part of the MyStreetFilms-Frontier short-story almanac.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


10 minutes - Ukraine 2016

Genre Mysticism

Category Full-length

Director Nіk Vasilyiev

Olga moves to a new home with her husband and 10-year-old daughter. Later it turns out that the new home already has a master ... and it's not human.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


Ukraine 2008

Genre Comedy

Director Yurіy Morozov (II)

This is the same old story – stand-off between matchmakers – it is so hard to find the common language. But the life is cunning and always brings us surprises. Will they manage to come together to stand all the hardships? This funny story will give answers on many topical questions and hardly make you indifferent.

... | Season 2Season 3Season 4 | Season 5Season 6Season 7



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 7

The trouble and glory of Ukraine

15 minutes - Ukraine 1993

Genre Scientific and cognitive

Category Short documentary

Director Mihaylo Yudіn

Movie 57 from the movie Unknown Ukraine. Essays on our history.

XVIII century. The use of the Russian Empire by the Zaporozhye Cossacks in three Russian-Turkish so-called "Crimean" wars. The military operations of Ivan Biletsky, Peter Kalnyshevsky, Opanas Kovpak, Yakov Sidlovsky, Anton Golovaty, Kharkov Chepiga. Creation of the Cossack Black Sea Army. Fighting under Ochakov and Ishmael.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

My address is Nightingales. Why translate Virgil?

21 minutes - Ukraine 1992

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Leonіd Anіchkіn

Mykola Zerov is another prisoner of Solovetsky camps. An outstanding Ukrainian poet and excellent translator of antiquity, a philological scholar. Like others, it was destroyed by a repressive machine in Solovki.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The Blue Bird

14 minutes - Ukraine 2013

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Іllya Noyabryov


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The velvet season

20 minutes - Ukraine 2006

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Oleksandra Gromova


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0