One heart for two

Ukraine 2020

Genre Melodrama

Director Roman Brovko

Young and married Rita is happy in marriage and at work. She dreams of giving birth, but doctors forbid her to get pregnant – since childhood, Rita has a progressive heart disease, and the girl will be able to live a full and happy life only after an organ transplant. One day, Rita learns that her husband is cheating on her, and his mistress is pregnant by him. The news makes Rita feel bad, she is picked up by an ambulance.

A woman who was diagnosed with brain death as a result of an accident is brought to the same hospital, but her heart is alive and can be transplanted. Rita's father, a former investigator, persuades Kirill, the grief-stricken man, to donate the woman's organ for transplantation, promising to investigate the circumstances of the accident. During the investigation, he concludes that it was not an accident at all… The operation is successful, but now Rita begins to have strange dreams about children begging for help. She finds her donor's family. After meeting Kirill and his children, Rita decides to help them recover from the loss and gradually falls in love with her husband and becomes attached to the children. But she does not dare to admit whose heart she inherited. The truth will inevitably follow. Can a loving heart forgive such a thing?



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

The story of one hideout

71 minutes - Ukraine 2013

Genre DocudramaHistorical

Category Full-length documentary

Director Lyubomir Horbach

About the creation of a hideout and the struggle of UPA soldiers against the Enkavedists. The tape is dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Inauguration of the President of Ukraine

30 minutes - Ukraine 1999

Genre Chronicle-documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Suzanne Shapovalova

Chronicle-documentary story about the inauguration ceremony of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma on November 30, 1999 in the Palace "Ukraine" in Kiev.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

I will live!

20 minutes - Ukraine 2005

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Serhіy DudkaHeorhіy Davidenko

About the fate of prisoners of Stalin's concentration camps, in particular - M. Hromadsky and K. Osmak.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


15 minutes - Ukraine 2015

Genre Documentary

Category Short documentary

Director Andrіy BezlyudniyM. Vadіmsykiy

Події розгортаються у Києві під час масових протестів на Майдані. Офіцер прес-служби Олексій із Донецька прибуває на вул. Грушевського з відеокамерою, щоб проводити оперативну зйомку. 


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Ukraine 2022

Genre DramaScreen adaptation

Category Full-length

Director Dmitro Kosihіn

За мотивами однойменної книги Любка Дереша.

На фестиваль самогубців у Карпати приїжджають шестеро майбутніх мерців. Усі вони мають власні причини вкоротити собі віку. Під час фестивалю кожному з них належить пережити внутрішнє переродження. Мазохістка, екстрасенс, програміст, двоє дівчат-наркоманок, та панк з глибокою душевною травмою беруть участь у сеансі шаманського зцілення, який призводить до несподіваного фіналу.



Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


7 minutes - Ukraine 2014

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Oleksandr Shkrabak


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Military Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukraine 2022

Genre DocumentaryWar

Цикл документальних фільмів присвячена бойовим операціям за участі військовослужбовців Головного управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України в ході російсько-української війни.

  • Авіапрорив на Азовсталь. Небо
  • Битва за острів Зміїний. Море
  • Харківський контрнаступ. Земля
  • Збиті льотчики Росії
  • Війна за море: від Дніпра до Криму




Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0

Claudio's Song

10 minutes - United KingdomUkraine 2022

Genre Drama

Category Short

Director Andreas Nіlyson

A young man faces the wrath of criminals targeting people who are famous on the internet. Things take an unexpected turn when their scheme fails.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 0


12 minutes - Ukraine 2019

Category Short

Director Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko

Alfred Hitchcock's movie Psycho, but with a bizarre plot twist.


Movie Critics: 0, Spectators: 5