
118 minutes - Ukraine 2024

Genre Drama

Category Full-length

Director Stanіslav Tіunov

Konstantin Gudauskas is a citizen of Kazakhstan, who received political asylum in Ukraine and lives in Bucha. With the beginning of the Russian invasion, he has the opportunity to travel through the occupied territory and rescue civilians, using his passport.

Release date07 November 2024

Life Train

90 minutes - Ukraine 2024

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Oleksandr Tіmenko

The film tells the real stories of ordinary railway workers who, from the very first days of the full-scale invasion, saved the lives of millions of Ukrainians, sometimes at the cost of their own. Under fire, they created artificial train ascents to prevent the enemy from besieging the capital of Ukraine, carried out operations to avert a technological disaster, and continued to manage train movements while the windows at the stations were being pierced by enemy bullets...

In the film, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Hollywood actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom, and renowned footballer and United24 ambassador Andriy Shevchenko share their impressions of the Ukrainian railway workers.

"Train to Life" is a story of struggle, dedication, and heroism of Ukrainian railway workers that the world has never seen before.

Release date14 November 2024

Family Album

97 minutes - Ukraine 2023

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Marina Tkachuk (II)

Release date21 November 2024

The Train on December 31st

Ukraine 2024

Genre Comedy

Category Full-length

Director Oleg Borshchevsky

In the film's plot, the characters set off for the capital on December 31st. Before meeting on the platform, they were strangers, but what else but a train can bring together complete strangers in a matter of hours? Especially on New Year's Eve, when miracles happen.

Release date01 January 2025

Fragments of Ice

95 minutes - NorwayUkraine 2024

Genre Documentary

Category Full-length documentary

Director Marіya Stoyanova

Release date01 January 2025

Alchevsky's Mystery


Genre DetectiveDramaHistoricalThrillerBiopic

Director Taras Dron

May 7, 1901. Warsaw railway station in Saint Petersburg, Russia. A mutilated body is found on the rails. The deceased is identified as Oleksiy Alchevsky – a renowned banker, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, one of the richest people of the Russian Empire’s South. A note, found on the body, attests that it was a suicide.

Rumors, that Alchevsky was killed, start spreading all over the empire.  Realizing that this can potentially lead to a scandal, the St. Petersburg Police Department decides to investigate Alchevsky's death and entrusts the case to a young detective, Vasily Yanovsky. The investigator does not disclose to anyone, that his father was well acquainted with the deceased – so this is personal, and this is a matter of honor.

Vasily understands, that in order to solve this case, it is necessary to know everything about Alchevsky. He begins to dig and delve. Interrogating each suspect (wife, children, competitors) he makes a psychological profile of Alchevskiy, and it helps him to find answers to the main questions - was it suicide? And who has ruined Alchevsky's empire?

Release date31 March 2026