Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company Star Media
Distributor Ukrainian Film Distribution
Directors Olga Riashyna
Screenwriter Serhіy PritulaValentin SerhіychukVіtalіy TilyniyVolodimir KovcunVolodimir Ghohlo
Director of photography (DOP) Dmitro Nedrya
Production Designer Dіana Todoratyieva
Composers Dmitro Matvіychuk
Sound Directors Andrіy Rohachov
Film editor Volodimir Zapryahalov
Сostume designer Olena Hresy
Makeup artists Tetyana Bovt
Casting director Alla Samoylenko
Producer Yuri MinzyanovVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Dmytro Minzianov
Line Producers Alexandra Bratyshchenko
Leading actors Roman LutskyiAnzhelika NikolaevaSerhіy PritulaNataliia MazurAndriy DanylkoInna BelokonІnna OstrovsykaOksana HrebenyukPetro MahaMihaylo KabanovAnna MatіychenkoVasily VasilikAndrіy ArhanhelysykiyKsenіya OnischenkoMaksym PanchenkoRuslan AleksіyukІlona ArsentyievaSerhіy HomenyukMaksim DavidenkoHalina YeriemeievaBohdan ZhdanovYulіya KnyahnicykaYurіy KnyazievAnna MіnaievaVasily MicykoAnna NazarevichІhor NakonechniyHennadіy NezabitovsykiyAlіna PalahnyukMariana StorozhenkoDima SymonenkoBoris UkrainsykiyLyudmila FedotovaDenis HristovKsenіya HighnyakVolodimir ChuhonkіnMarina Shevchenko
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 20 december 2018
Rental in Ukraine with 20 december 2018
Budget ₴ 25 827 240
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 25 228 558
Adaptation of the Canadian original format My Awkward Sexual Adventure.
When, at the suggestion of your hands and heart, you are told that you are in bed full zero, it is no joke. Sorrow-stricken Sergei makes a man's decision and goes to Prague on New Year's holidays to his friend Vasily. After a night of break-ins at the strip club, he accidentally meets stripper Diana, who promises to make him a superhero. But on the way to the big dream his ex-girlfriend becomes.
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