Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company FOP Serdyuk Maksim Hrihorovich
Directors Maksim Ksyonda
Screenwriter Maksim KsyondaIvan Timshyn
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Іvanov (II)
Production Designer Vіktor Buchkovsykiy
Composers Anton Bajbakov
Producer Max Serdiuk
Leading actors Yevhen HerasimenkoYevhen YefremovSvіtlana ShtanykoVіktor HlushkovDarіy BakumenkoSerhіy KlyushnichenkoІhor MakarshkiySerhіy SlyusarenkoMaksim StupnіkovSlava-Lesya Voynevich
Divorced parents are indifferent to their teenage son. In dispute, he goes to another city. On the dangerous journey to the father, for whom the son is a burden, the boy first meets someone who is ready to look into his eyes. This gives him an understanding of life and determines his future path - a small man begins to discover the great world.
The film is a part of an almanac of Ukrainian short films Ukrainian New Wave.
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